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5 Ways to Gain Exposure for Your Brand

exposure for your brand - laptop on a desk with a woman clicking the mouse

*AD-Paid. All opinions are my own.

Whether you’re advertising your brand for a traditional high street shop, or for an online business, it’s important to get your marketing exposure for your brand right.

Around 4.7 billion people currently use social media, and around 5.03 billion people have access to the internet, so online marketing is becoming more and more important as time progresses.

exposure for your brand

Here are five ways to get the maximum exposure for your brand.

  1. Social Media

Social media is now one of the leading ways to promote your business, with each platform serving a different target audience, and a different demographic.

 For example, Instagram is very photograph-heavy, with space for lengthy captions, and hashtags. TikTok is heavily influencer-based with algorithms determining how viral a video can become. Twitter is excellent for snappy short tweets and links to product pages.

  • Use Influencers

Influencers are becoming increasingly key to the marketing industry and can be a cheap and effective way to advertise your product with a massive amount of exposure to millions of followers in seconds.

TikTok is arguably the fastest way to achieve this, but paid partnerships are common on Instagram and Facebook as well, depending on who your target market is. You can use directories like Upfluence to find influencers that are suitable for your brand easily and quickly.

  • Invest in Blogger Outreach

Blogger Outreach is another way to expose your brand to as many potential customers as possible.

Digital Marketing Agencies like Maratopia can help you on your way to increasing your traffic by linking your website into a blog post with an audience that matches the demographic of your product.

This way you can expose your site to curious clicks from potential customers with a nudge in the right direction.

blog laptop open but off in the background on a desk with a bunch of yellow and red flowers in focus at front of picture. Photo shot from above
  • Newspaper Adverts

If the demographic for your product is for the elderly generation, don’t discount the usefulness of newspaper adverts, either in print or online. Adverts are still used as points of reference for the elderly when on the high street.

A study in 2014-2015 found that around 70% of adults over 75 years old read a newspaper at least three times a week, which is higher than any other age group. Similarly, another study found that news brands are good at “driving brand knowledge, purchase intent, word of mouth and advocacy”.

  • Partner Up with Other Brands and Influencers

If you’re looking to build your brand predominantly online, you can use social media to create partnerships with other companies, or with influencers who will advertise your product.

You can even create a limited-edition product that combines the two businesses, organise a giveaway with signed stock, or create online discount codes for loyal customers or as sign-up incentives.

By posting the brand onto both social media accounts, it gets double the exposure, sometimes more! This is a fast way to achieve likes, shares and comments on posts that will complement the workings of social media algorithms and help to make your brand viral.

Do you have any tips for brand exposure? Leave your answer in the comments below!

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