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Tips on How to Start Blogging!

university home office a laptop that is blogging

2020 Addition: It is scary to think that I actually wrote this blog post more than 4 years ago and yet here we are, 4 years later and Mummy in a Tutu still exists and it is actually my job – crazy. For those looking to start a blog though, this is still very relevant so I hope it helps you on your way.

 I honestly feel like I have been blogging forever and that there was never a time when I didn’t feel the need to photograph every single thing from ten different angles, or have so many post it notes stuck around my laptop with ideas and ‘to dos!’ However, in the grand scheme of things and in reality, my blog is only 4 months old and whilst I have learnt an awful lot, I still have so much to learn. One of the ways I have managed to pick up so much knowledge in such a short time, is the extremely helpful bloggers I have met and the posts that they in turn write to help us newbies learn the ropes (which is pretty damn decent of them because they are effectively helping build their competition!!) Therefore, I thought I would share with all of you, some of the best “How to” blogging posts out there and ones that helped me the most (they are not in any kind of order!!)

1. One of the first things we write as bloggers is our ‘About Me’ pages and these are really important because people will get to know you and want to know more about you through this page. Elizabeth over @ElizabethDhokia has done a great piece “10 Things Missing from Your About Page!” Whether you are writing one for the first time or reviewing, this is a great post to help you out!

2. One of the biggest ways to get on and build your blog is by being friendly and approachable to other bloggers. The blogging community is so supportive and friendly for the most part that it is important you are too. The lovely Mim over @LoveFromMim has written a post called “How to Be a Friendly Blogger!” It may seem silly, but you have no idea how important it is to be one and Mim explains how easy and simple it is to achieve and demonstrates it to us with pure class!

3. A huge thing I have found in the past few months, is that Social Media is the key to growing your blog. So much hinges on what you do and don’t do when it comes to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and all the rest. Vicki over @HonestMum wrote ‘Top 5 Tips for Growing Your Social Media!’ which I found so useful. Scheduling and competitions have been key in slowly but surely building my own traffic and I think the same can be said for lots of bloggers!

 4. One really important thing I learnt early on, is that if you are serious about blogging then you HAVE to be organised. You need to plan and schedule and try and get ahead of yourself so that your readers learn to look out for you and know what to expect! Aby from Mamapreneur Revolution is such a huge help when it comes to blogging tips and tricks. Her post ‘How to Organise your Blog like a Pro’ was amazingly useful especially as she gave examples and set everything out really clearly. I love being organised so this post really spoke to me.

5. So you’ve got your blog, you have some posts written and posted and you have some traffic but you want more! What else can you do? Well, Talya from @motherhoodreal suggests that perhaps you try and guest post on more established bloggers sites with links back to your own, thereby improving both your traffic and your SEO. Now you’re thinking, okay but who do I guest post for?! Well she has very kindly written a blog post ‘ Parenting Blogs which accept Guest Posts’ to help you find one that is write for you – thanks lovely!

On a final note (or maybe two final notes) I’d like to say two things…

If you are ever stuck, or unsure what to do then please reach out! As I said, the blogging community is so friendly and most people will willingly and happily offer you support and advice so don’t worry or suffer alone and in silence

Thank you to the ladies I have mentioned above and so many more. You do not know how much you have already helped me and continue to do so!


  1. This is great! Pinning for later 🙂

  2. Emma says:

    Yes! Some great posts here. Amy and Aby have some fab ones. I will have to check out Honest Mum’s post. Sounds like one I need to read!