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The Stress of “Back to School” with Zenflore

*Ad – Paid. All Opinions are my own.
I have finally joined the ranks of Back to School mayhem. Honestly, I used to love the back to school prep, primarily because I longed for the stationery shopping day. I’d save up pocket money and then go and blow the lot on an unnecessary amount of stationery and I am still the same today. If I see a nice pen or a cute notebook or God forbid a sale, then I just simply have to have it to add to my collection. However, starting school or returning is not actually completely stress free and there is a lot of evidence to show that stress levels are on the rise and not just in the teaching staff but with the kids too.

Whether you’re nervously awaiting your first day of school like Alyssa, returning to begin your GCSEs or going into your final year of Uni, wondering how you will ever get everything done it can be stressful. It can be a lot for us parents too as for the majority of it, we have to sit on the side-lines and merely be supportive and chip in when necessary.

Zenflore got in touch and asked me if I’d be willing to try the world’s first targeted pro-biotic for mood, memory and stress. The idea is that it will help with the stress of back to school for those experiencing it and help give us a boost for the year ahead.

While many of us are aware of the crucial role bacteria plays in digestion there are also studies linking it to allergies, immunity and weight gain. However, it is also becoming an increasingly popular opinion that gut flora can also affect stress levels. In response to this, new probiotics are now being developed to tackle specific problems and rather than taking a one size fits all supplement there are now strains for different purposes.

The gut health supplement Zenflore, is one of the world’s first targeted probiotics for mood, memory and stress. Zenflore helps to reduce fatigue and support your mind and body during busy and demanding times. It acts immediately and begins to prime your gut where it is needed. During the first 2 weeks it will help reset your system. It is advised you take Zenflore every day to feel the full effects which can take up to 4 weeks to be noticeable, but each individual gut is different.

I have now been trialling Zenflore for the last nearly 4 weeks and I have definitely noticed a changed in my fatigue levels and my mood. Not only have I been preparing for back to school, I have also moved house which is said to be one of the most stressful things a person can go through. Obviously, I have had a few wobbles, but I definitely feel that the Zenflore has made a positive difference. I suffered from a thyroid condition which makes me tired, on top of the sleep deprivation which comes from having a bad sleeping child, so anything that helps boost my energy levels is okay by me.

If you’re facing the pressures of back to school or would just like something to help to boost your mood and energy levels, then take a look at Zenflore. It comes as a tiny easy to swallow capsule and is suitable for ages 3+. RRP £29.99 per month or 96p per day. That’s cheaper than a Starbucks coffee boost each day!

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