67 Toppings to Put On Your Toast
21st July 2017
#LuckyLinky Week 19
24th July 2017

I’m A Blogging Success Because… Week #29

a typewriter glasses and notepad on wood with the series title in the middle
Success comes in all shapes and sizes doesn’t it? It can be an award you’ve waited your whole life to get. It could be recognition for something or from someone that matters. Or it could be something as small as your child saying I love you. We don’t celebrate success, in whatever form enough in my opinion and over the past few weeks and months with the madness that is blogging awards and particularity in the past week with my fight to get blogging seen as a real job, I have come to realise that everyone is a success in their own right. So, we find ourselves here and with me opening up the doors to Mummy in a Tutu for the first time to a guest post series. This series is here for any and all bloggers to talk about success; their success or the success of someone else that they want to recognise. Welcome to I’m a blogging success because… Let’s hand over to Susie from This is Me Now!

I’ve enjoyed reading other people’s posts about how they feel they’re a blogging success but for so long was scared to add my thoughts to the mix. I put this down to having frequent “blogging wobbles”. Like seriously, every couple of weeks. I think blogging is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me. Some days I look at my stats and want to weep. I get so deflated when something I’ve taken time over has had hardly any views! I feel it’s a constant battle to be seen

on this big old internet and the self promotion is exhausting. But, a few days later someone may share it, or a friend will say they read it and liked it. And then I will feel on top of the world. See, rollercoaster. I told you!

The other day I was telling a non blogger friend about blogging. She asked me how it was going. When I started to tell her the nitty gritty I rallied off a load of terms she hadn’t heard of before. She looked puzzled. She questioned the phrase “spike in traffic” and looked at me like I had two heads! It was in that moment I realised I AM a blogging success.

woman sat typing on a laptp


I’m a blogging success because… I’ve learnt how to build a website. I’ve learnt what plugins and widgets are. I’ve learnt how to edit photos (though photography is an ongoing learning curve!) I’ve learnt how to use schedulers, how the heck Instagram works. How to use Facebook and Twitter as a blogger. And don’t even get me started on Pinterest. I’ve learnt how to make a pinnable image! Hurrah! Then there’s SEO, Google Analytics. Meta data (ARGH!) It goes on and on…

I may not have tens of thousands of followers or reader

woman's shoulder with superwoman written on it

s each month, but I’m a success because I’ve made myself a blogger. Something a few years ago I never thought I would do. And perhaps most importantly, I’ve found friends and fellow bloggers who are happy to share their knowledge and who make this blogging community what it is. Again, something I never ever expected.

I think so often we all feel in the same boat, with the constant pressure we put on ourselves and getting sucked into the comparison game. Yes, I would Love more readers and yes, I’d love more opportunities to work with brands. But that’s not why I started blogging. I started blogging to learn new skills that one day I can transfer into my PR work. And boy, I have learnt new skills. I don’t think I’ll ever stop learning something new! So I guess I am a blogging success after all.

If you’d like to read more from Susie, head over to her Blog: www.thisismenow.co.uk 

Or follow her on social media – Twitter: @susie_hawes Instagram: @susiehawes
Facebook: Susie Hawes at This Is Me Now Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/susie_hawes/

closed macbook with a pair of black framed glasses on top


If you would like to take part in this series then please email me on [email protected] with your piece and all your social media links and subject it Blogging Success. I hope you join me again next week to help celebrate more blogging success. We’ll be joined by Nic from Clarke Life

Dont for get to check out Week 16, Week 17 & Week 18!

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