Highlights of the Week: #6
16th May 2016
Highlights of the Week: #8
16th May 2016

Highlights of the Week: #7

Before sitting down to write this week’s highlights, I was having a bit of a grump and feeling sorry for myself. I was sat there thinking how this week had been completely pants, there had been nothing good and why was I going to bother to sit down and try and think of good things when there weren’t any?! (As you can tell I was in a positive mood, and it could have been because I was having to do something that day that I did not want to do!!) Then, I pulled on my big girl pants and put my toys back in the box and realised what a good thing it was that I in fact write these highlights, because it really forces me to stop and think about my week and realise that parts of it weren’t that bad after all!

1. Online – On the Rise! So not only did I hit 600 followers this week on Twitter (uber duber excited by this) but I hit the number 2 whole days early!! I have been trying to maintain my 100 new followers a week because for someone just starting out I think that is a good number… but this week I went way beyond that as I hit my target 2 days early so gained an extra 20-30 for the week! Bonus and thanks to everyone who shares and gets me more followers – you are all legends!

2. Offline – Hold ya Breath! Alyssa and I were able to return to swimming this week now that she has finally gotten over her cold and it was awesome! She is so completely mellow and at home in the water that, despite it only being her second lesson, we were able to try putting her under the water and back up again and she was great! Gave a couple of coughs and then was fine again. Thanks @PuddleDorset you guys rock! We are now looking forward to Pyjama Week in two weeks time!

3. Online – InstaLove! It has to be said that I have mainly focused on Twitter with regards to building a following. However, I do post to Instagram at least 3 times a day if not more, but still imagine my surprise when I happened to check my profile and found I have nearly 300 followers! Last time I looked I was just over 100! So really super duper chuffed to find that nice surprise this week. You can come join me here. (sorry for the sneaky plug he he he)

4. Offline – ZZzzzzz. If you follow me fairly regularly, I may have mentioned once or twice (or like every time I speak) that bubba hasn’t been sleeping well since Christmas. What with one virus and another, it’s been a nightmare and sometimes I have been surviving on just 2-3 hours sleep a night. However, I am happy to say I have just had 3 nights in a row where she let me sleep for a good 5-6 hours straight! It is highlighting how much sleep I actually need to catch up on… but thank you bubba!!

5. Online – Inspiration! There have been a lot of posts recently from various bloggers with different ways to get inspiration for your blog! This has been amazingly useful as I found that I felt a bit like the Sahara when it came to ideas for a little while. However, once I actually set aside time to sit down and Post-It note ideas with my tablet on hand to look at the news and what’s trending, I was able to plan a good few weeks of ideas. Thanks guys!

6. Offline – Nothing Gained! I am currently on a mission to get fit, healthy and slimmer, ready for my holiday to Florida in September. This week, although I didn’t lose any weight, the important thing is that I didn’t gain any either! Yes, of course I would like to have hit 6lbs and got my stone, but the fact that Mother Nature was calling and I still didn’t gain weight made me really happy! Screw You Mother Nature!!

7. Online – Read, Read, Read! I was really glad to find half an hour this week, to sit down and read some blog posts that I have had book marked for ages. It is lovely to sit down and have a read, especially as people take the time to read mine. I am going to try and set aside time each week to do this!

8. Offline – Be my Valentine! So, I am single. February is arriving and it brings with it, that loveliest of all days… Valentines Day. Now, I don’t care who you are, but being alone on Valentines Day, kind of sucks a little bit. Especially when you are the ONLY one in your family who is single… and is generally always single! However, I have managed to bag myself a date for the night before Valentines… with my friend Claire. She’s coming over with a DVD and I can’t wait. Thanks for being my Valentine honey pie!

I am actually going to stop there this week… mainly because we have been recovering from colds and sleep deprivation, we have not really ventured out that much. I am pleased though that I took the time to look for the positives in my week as there were many more than I thought. How has your week been?

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