Highlights of the Week: #7
16th May 2016
Highlights of the Week: #9
16th May 2016

Highlights of the Week: #8

I’m going to apologise right now if any of the following does not make sense… my darling daughter has chucked her cold right back at me and I have viral labyrinthitis so forgive rambling or non-sense making sentences!!

So how has your week been? I cannot believe we are in February already! Rather than just sticking to my highlights for this week just gone, I thought I would look back at all my January highlights and see what my real high-points were!

1.Offline – In the month of January, I managed to lose a total of 10lbs! Personally, I think this is awesome and it is 10lbs that I hope never, ever to see again!! Whoop whoop… let’s stay strong as I only have 8 months til my holiday now… eek!

2. Online – The first week of January I hit 200 followers and I remember being so excited and flabbergasted!! Fast forward 4 weeks and this, the first week of February, I am almost at 900!!! I mean how did that even happen?! I have put so much love and time into this blog and it looks like it really is paying off – thanks guys!!

3. Offline – At the end of December/beginning of January we began weaning and I had my first go at making my own food for bubba which I was really chuffed with because lets be honest it is a bit of a faff; steam, blend, make sure there are no lumps, freeze and unfreeze. However, I am really happy to say that a month on and I am still making all her food and it’s a great feeling to see her enjoying it so much though now we are able to move onto some bigger girl food too!

4. Online – I felt so brave when I posted about my fear of Alyssa being taken away and I think I have come on leaps and bounds with my bravery and how far I am prepared to step out in order to write what I want to write. I was really pleased just this last week in fact to write “Get Your Boob Out…No Wait!” and “I have Anxiety: What the Hell Do You Do With Me?!” because I think it is important to be honest because you may find, as I have, that you are not alone in how you feel or the opinions you have – but remember you can’t ever please everyone!!

5.Offline – Now, my daughter is a cheeky monkey and I have enjoyed sharing things she has accomplished over the past month with everyone. She’s a lazy little madam, as she has always hated being on her tummy and has been digging her heels in the floor and pushing herself around for months… however this week, not only did she managed to start picking up food and feeding herself (icecream was the funniest!!) I also put her down on her tummy and she just rolled herself right over and carried on whilst looking at me like “Duhhh mum I’ve been able to do that for ages!!” Then proceeded to do it a couple more times before getting angry at me for turning her back over…. proud mummy moments this week!!


6. Online – I don’t know how many linkys you guys do… but I first properly got into link-ups at the end of December and beginning of January. In fact, I thought they were so good and such a good way to get yourself out there that I signed up for rather a lot. In fact I started January with 8 a week. I am happy to say that now at the beginning of February, despite the sometimes enormous effort and the massive time constraints I face, I still take part in all 8 and occasionally add a ninth one in too. They are a lovely way of getting your blog out there and I have met some lovely people!!

7. Offline – Those who are a regular visitor, know that I was/am worried about Alyssa going out or being taken away when Daddy starts to take her out and I think a lot of that was possibly down to the trust I have in the Ex-Dad, or lack of I suppose. I am not saying it has been easy, or perfect this last month, but I have made a conscious effort to put my feelings aside and try to view him for what he is, her daddy who wants the best. There were/are a lot of negative feelings caught up between us but I think we have finally managed to start moving past them to a place where we can be amicable parents for OUR daughter.

8. Online – I really really want to give a big shout out and thank you to a few bloggers who have been so lovely and supportive during my first full proper month of blogging and who have retweeted, chatted, asked if I am okay, read and commented on posts and generally made me feel like I am doing something right!! They are: @youbabymemummy ,@mrandmrstplus3 , @planthehappy , @mamamimblog ,  @mypetitcanard, @honestmummy , @mrsgrohl4 and @motherhoodreal . I could name loads and loads and loads, but these wonderful ladies have taken the time to make me feel truly part of the blogging community… thank you!

9. Offline – I feel as if this month I finally rejoined the land of the living. Despite quite a few illnesses this month, Alyssa and I enjoyed our first swimming classes, managed to get out and meet friends for coffee and I managed to take a huge step by revisiting work and making crucial decisions for my/our future. Things are looking up and looking bright and I am glad to finally be a part of the outside world again (toes are slowly creeping further and further forwards!)

10. Online – As February starts, I have been writing for 3 months, posting for 2 and loving it for what seems like forever. This month, reading other blogs, joining in with @BlognixWednesday evening chats and tweeting at various people has helped me learn so much about this world/life/community that I am trying to break into. I have learnt what I can write about, what I really shouldn’t write about, what works and what doesn’t. January has been an awesome month Blog wise… and here’s to many more to come (annnndddd a brand new look website coming soon!!!)

So January was a pretty amazing month for me… how about you?

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