New Years is a funny thing. I used to get really caught up in the whole thing as you do when you’re young. I wanted the fireworks, the excitement, yes the romance and everything else that went with it. I was a stickler for setting resolutions as well but it was inevitable that within a week or two maybe even a month, the resolution would be forgotten and I’d carry on as before. For as long as I can remember, one resolution was always to lose weight because I have never been happy with how I look. Ironically, I wish I was now as fat as I thought I was at 16 because I’m pretty sure I’d be gloriously happy now! Just before Christmas, Dietbon approached me and asked if I’d be interested in trying their new diet plan. Whilst I may not set resolutions any more I do still have goals and one is to get healthier and this is a new way to try!

I had never heard of Dietbon before and was intrigued to find out more before I agreed to take on the review. Dietbon is a new diet ready-made meals delivery service. After captivating France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain, Dietbon is coming to the UK! The Dietbon plan consists of a gourmet, calorie-controlled home delivery service, with 4 meals a day, for 6 days a week. This allows customers to lose weight without feeling hungry or frustrated. They also provide support in the form of telephone consultations and online meetings from a team of dieticians. Their customers tend to lose up to a healthy 2 pounds a week.
Whilst not the fastest way by any means to lose weight, the thought of eating actual food for meals rather than shakes and other liquids was really appealing. I took a look at the weight loss ready-made meals weight loss ready-made meals menu and was pleasantly surprised with what was on offer. You get 6 days worth of diet and then the 7th is free for you to enjoy what you’d like, so would be great for if you want to enjoy a meal or celebration out. For breakfast there was a range of muselis, breads or pancakes – I opted for pancakes because hey, delicious! They came in a box and were packaged in twos and honestly tasted no different from the ones I’ve bought from the supermarket.

I was slightly concerned I’d have problems with the meals due to being a vegetarian – it’s still not as frequent to be a vegetarian in some European countries. However, it was a pleasant surprise to see I had several options; soups, salads, pasta AND what really excited me was the vegetarian soya steak with sauce and mash! Obviously there are fewer meals for a vegetarian but not so that it would be a problem! What I also loved was that the dishes are 100% natural (no additives, preservatives or artificial colourings. There are also no GM ingredients, artificial sweeteners or palm oil.)

The meals are ready in minutes – the packaging is not currently in English but there is a booklet that comes with it all that tells you how to store and prepare all the meals and food. I will say this – do NOT be put off by any smell or appearances as they can be deceptive. When I first opened a packet I did not have high hopes, but upon tasting the food was pleasantly surprised. Now, it is no pizza and chips or pile of cheese BUT they taste good and aren’t remotely horrible!

You also get a snack which in my case was cookies as well as some detox tea! The cookies actually tasted like cookies and the tea was nice enough! You’re allowed to add in a few bits like fat free yogurt etc. which is all explained in the book. I did the diet for a week and I lost 3lbs which I was really pleased with. This diet is definitely maintainable. It does NOT feel like a diet and if you can avoid having to cook for anyone else then do. I’d definitely recommend giving this diet a try, especially if meal replacement or food deprivation are not something that works well for you!
If you’d like to try the diet for yourself, use code: MUMMYDB for 20% off 1,2 & 3 month diet plans!
*This was a paid collaboration – I was sent products for the purposes of the review. All opinions are my own.