Why Should I Choose Solid Oak for My New Kitchen?
14th November 2016
#LionessMama Round-Up – Week 4!
14th November 2016

All You Have to Do is Dream… #SunPatDreams

When I was little, according to my mum, I went through many dreams for my future including wanting to be a dancer, a popstar, work in a library, a barrister and probably a million more too. When we are children our imaginations seem endless and the world is just one huge opportunity pool for us to jump right into. I think now, even as an adult, I have dreams they have just changed slightly and unfortunately no longer start with the phrase “when I grow up…!” Dreams are so important for everyone and are something I intend to encourage in my own daughter; I don’t ever want her to think there is something she cannot do. So, I am teaming up with SunPat this week and their #SunPatDreams campaign to hopefully help two people live their dreams for real…

little girl in a princess dress next to a play castle sat in a sunny field

I can honestly say that whatever Alyssa chooses to be when she grows up, I will support her in any way I possibly can in order for her to achieve her goals. I think at the moment they include being able to reach the things that mummy puts up high, being able to open the treat cupboard in the kitchen and being able to climb up the chimney judging by her present actions. However, whether shelittle girl in mummys shoes and skirt wants to be a prima ballerina, a race-car driver or even the Pope, I’ll be one step behind her and be her biggest cheerleader.

As I said, my dreams have definitely changed from when I was a little girl, playing dress up in my own mums wardrobe. I now dream of a full nights sleep, having a size 14 figure but still be able to eat everything I want to, owning my own home and being a successful working blogger all now appear on my check list… though quite honestly I’d settle for a weeks holiday in Butlins right now too!

I’d say that I am working on my dreams slowly but surely – slowly being because I have to find the energy to do all those things as well as being a good mummy too which is in fact top of my wish list. Being a single mummy, working from peanut butter on brown toasthome to support myself and my daughter can be exhausting, especially as we are only now just getting Alyssa’s sleep settled so for me it’s all about finding something to help with my energy levels.

I have to say I used to skip breakfast which I know is not good for you but it was all about time management and the fact I don’t like eating too soon after I get up. However, I now have a much healthier routine with Alyssa; we wake up and get a drink each and play for an hour in our pyjamas. We then both sit down at the table and have breakfast together and for me that’s brown toast with some marmite and then peanut butter smothered on top. This has to be my all time favourite breakfast because it fills me up and is also a great source of fuel for the day meaning I have more energy to do all the millions of things I need to do. If I don’t have this for breakfast, then its a peanut butter and banana sandwich for me at lunchtime to keep me going until Alyssa is in bed!

little girl walking in a field with magical sparkles behind her

It is so important to have dreams and also have the fuel to help you achieve them. As I said SunPat are offering to make two very special people’s dreams come true in their new #SunPatDreams campaign. All you have to do is head on over to Fuel Your Dreams to see how you can enter… I’ll race you there. What will your dream be – swimming with dolphins? Climbing the Empire State Building? Don’t forget it’s your dream, so the possibilities are endless!


1 Comment

  1. Amy and Tots says:

    Ah this was a lovely post. Found myself nodding away like a nodding dog. I always try my hardest to eat breakfast now and my dreams only involve the happiness and health of children. Funny how things change when you have children isn’t it?