Footsteps on the drive. The rustle as he searches for what’s mine. The creaking lift of metal and then THUMP my post for the day has arrived and this morning, my copy of Glamour magazine has arrived (a little indulgence on my part but hey ho!) I always like to read the Editor pages in magazines, mainly because in my mind I am picturing the legend that is Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada and thinking “ooooo wonder if they are the same?!” Now, in this month’s latest issue of Glamour, it appears the Editor is starting a new hashtag craze with #antiresolutions. I actually LOVE this idea – we all make resolutions that we never stick to past maybe two weeks at the most, but why not make resolutions about things we promise never to do?! It requires no effort on our parts and also gives us something we know we can stick to meaning… WHOOP see I am not a quitter!! So what are my non-resolutions for the coming year….
1. Put Make-up on Every Day
Sorry, never going to happen. It’s enough of a chore to find time to remove the porridge, baby sick and slurped coffee from my body and remember to put my boob away after feeding and before opening the door to the postman (awkward!!) let alone finding time to put on a full face. I am lucky in the fact that without a lot of care I do have really good skin, espcially in summer, so I can get away without piles of make-up. If going out, I usually quickly whip some eyeliner and mascara across my face so I don’t look quite as haggard as I sometimes feel, and then if it’s a special occasion or been a while, I will go the whole hog… but everday??! I’m sorry but until Tesco’s complains that my unmake-upped face is driving away their customers, I’m going nude!!
2. Keep My Car Clean & Tidy
See now this is just funny? Have you tried keeping your car tidy? I spent quite a lot of time tooing and froing (love that expression) giving people lifts or going places and therefore, I quite often have rubbish that happens to get left in footwells. Combine that with the rush of sometimes having to deal with a very tired Alyssa that needs me to move quickly then, no I am sorry but that Costa cup and empty sandwich packet that I have chucked from my bag may just stay there a day or two. Generally, I am quite a tidy/organised person but I have my moments and my car is one of them. I will have a giant clear out and make it all nice again, but hey if its a problem…. don’t borrow my car or catch the bus!
3. Worry About the Little Things
I don’t know if it is part of the package being a mum, a woman or quite simply a human being but I am a worrier. It’s that simple. Nothing I can do about it. A lot of the time, I can save up my worrying energy for big things such as “Will I have enough money?” and “Am I being a good enough mummy?” However, I do sometimes waste a lot of my time and energy worrying about the little things like “Did I wipe the carrot off my cheek?” or “Did I tip enough?” Now, if I didn’t do these things, the world is not going to come crashing down and my life won’t cease to end as I know it…. and I know this (!!!) but it does not stop me worrying about it. I don’t think I would be me if I didn’t worry about the little things as well as the big ones. So for the year 2016 I promise to continue worrying but maybe try to do it with a bit more of a smile.
4. Clear out My Clothes
I am quite ruthless when it comes to Alyssa’s clothes; If it doesn’t fit anymore it goes to the charity shop or eBay and if it is stained then it goes to the recycling bank. However, I have a feeling that this could be because she has a constant stream of new ones trickling in for me to get excited about whereas I most definitely do not. It is quite rare I buy myself anything, particularly at the moment when I see little point due to post baby extra chubbiness that is still hanging around, therefore I don’t seem to rid myself of clothes. I tend to mend them and change them and get the most use I can. If they don’t fit they go back in the cupboard to wait there until they do or until a time when clothes are no longer required! In 2016, I do not see this changing… I simply see a bigger wardrobe in my future!
5. Give Up Fizzy Drinks
Okay, you caught me! I am a total fizzy drink swilling nut! Obviously I didn’t drink alcohol during pregnancy (despite celebrating my 30th birthday!!) and I have only had 1 small drink post pregnancy due to breastfeeding. Combine that with an attempt to irradicate all caffeine from my diet for the same reasons, and what am I left with? I hate squash because I like it really really weak and it quite often tastes synthetic. Fresh juice is great, but quite often expensive and acidic so I drink this in moderation. Fizzy drinks, however, just quench my thirst and make me happy. I try to avoid full fat ones and those with aspartame in them, but I am really into the Volvic fruit fizzy waters at the moment – delicious! I do treat myself to the odd small coke or lemonade too. I’m sorry but my life would not be complete without this one guilty pleasure so shame away but my fizzy is here to stay!!
Come on, join in the fun and tell me what your #antiresoulutions will be this year?