Hello, My Name is Rachel, 33 years old and a first time mum to baby girl born in February 2016. We live down in Cornwall, one of the best parts of the country in my opinion, but then I have lived here all my life!
I started to blog in March 2015 after having my third miscarriage and needed something to occupy my mind while I was dealing with my grief.
Now that part of my life is behind me I plan to enjoy every moment of baby girl growing up along with my very tall 6ft 4 husband Dave.
I blog about our everyday journeys through parenting, mixing it up with book reviews, recipes, gardening and anything else that pops into my head. I love to write reviews on things that we enjoy as a family. That might be places we go, what we eat, read or wear.
My 5 favourite things:
Entering competitions
Green tea