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What are the Best Scents to Help You De-stress?

wellness woman
*This is a collaborative post.
If you’re feeling as though the world is pushing you toward breaking point, then making time to relax is absolutely critical. But in order to properly relax, you need to create the right environment. This might mean a bathtub with some soothing Enya in the background, or it might mean curling up in front of the fireplace in the company of a good book.
A significant component of your de-stressing routine should be the right scents. Different aromas can have profoundly different effects on your mood, and by taking advantage of the right ones, you can create a space that’s perfectly soothing after a long week.

So what are the most popular stress-relief aromas? Let’s run through them.


This herb is among the most popular in candles and bath products. It contains an essential oil that’s been linked to muscle relaxation and sedation under laboratory conditions, and it’s been used as a remedy for insomnia for centuries. Both the flower and the oil of the plant are used in creating lavender products. You can even grow the stuff yourself!


The orange scents you buy are derived from the zest of the orange, rather than the juice. There’s another essential oil, here, and it, too is linked to stress relief. Orange works as a facial cleanser, a mood booster, and can relieve the symptoms of certain sorts of allergic reaction. It’s a smell with which we’re all familiar, so you will likely already know whether or not you like it!


You might more readily associate the scent of rosemary with the kitchen than any other part of the home. It’s earthy, woody, and powerful, with the most potent scents coming from the flower of the plant rather than the leaves. Folk medicine has long linked rosemary with digestive health and memory – but for the most part it just smells fantastic.


This citrusy scent is found in Earl Grey tea, which means that you might already be familiar with it. The distinctive smell, like orange, comes from the rinds of citrus fruit. You can also find it in perfumes and more exotic recipes.

Bergamot oil is incredibly powerful, so it needs to be diluted to retain its subtlety. Used inside a scented candle, an air-freshener, or a high-quality diffuser from a reputable company like Neom Organics, it can help to reinvigorate a space. If you’re using it as a massage oil, then dilute it slightly before applying to your skin.

a brunette woman sleeping in a bed of white sheets

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