I’m a 30-something mummy of one little girl and my pen name is Amelia. I live in Wiltshire and I work full-time in a sales role and therefore have
to be relatively anonymous so as not to jeopardise my career. Sorry!
I started my blog and website because I suddenly realised that I needed an
outlet for all my thoughts, worries and ideas. I talk and think A LOT and
it was about time I put it to good use. During the week, whilst I may be
talking about work, I’m also thinking about home, my little girl, the
washing, the holidays I want to take, my other half, the bills, the play
dates to organise etc. etc.
Hopefully you get the gist.
I write from the heart and I tackle subjects that can sometimes be a bit
taboo. It is entirely honest and to the point. I don’t like beating round
the bush.
My posts range from hints to help with eczema through to embracing
emoticons – it is anything and everything to do with parenting and
struggling with the work/life balance.
You can find me at www.paranoidworkingparent.co.uk.
Hope you enjoy! 😀