Most people will think I am mad but I actually enjoy going to the supermarket with my toddler. I know, I know… call me nuts and believe me it isn’t all the time but actually she is quite fun to shop with and we have our own little routine now. We go in, she jumps in the trolley seat with whomever she has brought with her, be it Mimmie or a Princess, we grab a piece of free fruit from the stand at the front of the store and off we go. I have a bag right behind her for non-breakable items and that bag is what she gets to fill with stuff I give her from the shelves. If she is good, she is also allowed to choose a treat – an iced doughnut from the bakery or one of her favourite squeezy yogurts which she knows, as soon as we’ve “paid the lady” she can crack into. Add in the fact she chatters away to everyone and it’s quite fun. When Casdon asked if we’d like to review their Self-service Supermarket, I was more than happy to as we also know what a good imagination my little has….
It’s true that Alyssa loves any toys that involve her imagination which just seems to be infinite and amazes me every single day. We’ve had a shopping basket and food before but never a full on supermarket and Casdon are rolling with the times and making it self-service too which is great because it is what we use when we go – scan and shop!
This Self-Service Supermarket is literally equipped with everything and it’s awesome. So for starters… the building. It is really easy to put together – only really 5 pieces for the main body which are just simple clicks and you’re done. In case you are wondering, it does come apart again so you are able to pack it away if you rotate toys. The time consuming part is making all the food boxes and adding the stickers – I honestly hate this part of making a child’s toy as I always think I mess the stickers up. It is very simple just a little tedious but it only took me about 45 minutes from start to finish.
So, this toy is aged at 3-8 year olds so it’s really an investment as it is going to last your child a long time. A lovely feature is that all those boxes of food and stickers on food you have to do are actually very well-known and some of our favourite brands like Mr.Kipling, Hovis, Tetley and Findus which is perfect as it means they were also recognisable to Alyssa.
There are three sections to the base of the supermarket – a fruit and vegetables section, a dried goods section for soup, cakes and tea etc. and a “fridge/freezer” section which even has a thermometer at the top. There are stickers and prices as well as special deals along each shelf which are overloaded with all the goods and products you get.
At the top of the fruit and vegetable section is also a basket hook where you can hang your basket whilst you scan your shopping – I think they have literally though of everything. The structure feels really sturdy as well… and then you get to the till itself and this is just all singing and dancing.
There is a realistic scanner that beeps every time food is scanned (don’t forget to grab some batteries before hand!!), a receipt, a handheld bar code scanner and a little packing area as well! Then of course you have the options of how to pay – the play set comes with lots of coins and notes as well as a credit card. There is a slot for coins and notes as well as a chip and pin machine which again makes realistic sounds – it’s brilliant!
Apart from the fact that the products boxes are a little flimsy I think this is an amazing role-play toy for kids that will last a long time. Priced at £39.99 I think it is good value for money as it just comes with so many accessories. Plus if you have other children over, there is nothing to stop it being used like a regular service check out as well. Well done Casdon!
 *we received the toy for the purposes of this review – all opinions are our own.