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Welcome to #FOODIEFRIDAY Week 10
13th October 2016
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Top Tips for Avoiding Driving Test Nerves
14th October 2016

I’m A Blogging Success Because… Series: Week 6

a typewriter glasses and notepad on wood with the series title in the middle
Success comes in all shapes and sizes doesn’t it? It can be an award you’ve waited your whole life to get. It could be recognition for something or from someone that matters. Or it could be something as small as your child saying I love you. We don’t celebrate success, in whatever form enough in my opinion and over the past few weeks and months with the madness that is blogging awards and particularity in the past week with my fight to get blogging seen as a real job, I have come to realise that everyone is a success in their own right. So, we find ourselves here and with me opening up the doors to Mummy in a Tutu for the first time to a guest post series. This series is here for any and all bloggers to talk about success; their success or the success of someone else that they want to recognise. Welcome to “I’m a blogging success because…



I’m a blogging success because….well, I’m not really, not compared to many of the amazing bloggers out there! My follower numbers aren’t great, my stats are fairly low, and I’ve never been shortlisted for any awards. However, the thing that I’m most proud of is that the little band of followers and readers that I do have are engaged and dedicated, and never fail to tell me how much they have enjoyed reading my latest post and laughing at my doodles.12728834_1560730437583539_6204320257857598291_n524

The reason I doodle is to make people laugh, and to make people realise that they are not alone in feeling like they’re a bit of a crap mum sometimes.

I started my blog at a pretty low point in my life  but it has given me a lift that I never expected. Nothing beats the buzz and sense of satisfaction that I get when I receive comments and messages from readers who identify with Beta Mummy. Comments like this:

Love this so much! you always make me giggle and feel like a normal BETA MUMMY!

Just found your blog via Twitter and have to say I have been avoiding my house work all morning as I read lol! Loved this post as it reminds me of me but also how hilariously funny all mom’s lives have become since children came along

Brilliant I actually have been laughing out loud to this post loving your blog and the website !

Oh another brilliant one! We need to get the NHS giving this out to all new Mums

I may have just snorted wine down my nose – this is spot on. Utterly brilliant

I think your doodles are fantastic! they literally brighten my day (probably because they ring so true to my life lol)

Actually just cried laughing…so so true…

What I think you’ve done so well is mix creativity with total honesty and describe two characters that actually you can find in every single mother! We all entirely relate to every single post. As for the humour- your doodles make my day!

Reading through all of these comments in the writing of this post has made me smile and boosted me at the end of a week in which I felt disappointed at how I was doing in the world of blogging. They have made me realise that I am a success because I am doing exactly what I set out to do – make people chuckle.

I don’t make money from my blog, nor do I have any particular plans to do so – I simply do it for fun. It would be great to increase my follower numbers in order to spread the Beta Mummy love far and wide, but I try not to get hung up on numbers. Success is relative and subjective, and as far as I’m concerned, if I can make someone else’s day, then that’s made mine, too!

Thanks so much to the amazing Beta Mummy for guest posting this week! You can follow her here…

computer on a bed

If you would like to take part in this series then please email me on [email protected] with your piece and all your social media links and subject it Blogging Success. I hope you join me again next week to help celebrate more blogging success. Joining us next week will be Terry-Ann from Not An Effing Fairytale!
Thanks to all of my contributors


  1. Beta Mummy says:

    Thank you for having me! :)x

  2. I was really looking forward to reading this one – Beth is better at making people chuckle than she even gives herself credit for! Every post gets better and and better and she’s brilliant at nailing a theme while it’s right at the top of the social conscious. Love her, and this series xx

  3. ohmummymia says:

    I like it:) Just follow her on instagram and twitter:)

  4. Beta Mummy is not only a lovely lady, but funny and inspiring. Her drawings are a reminder to us parents that not everybody can be perfect and that’s okay. She’s definitely a success and I look forward to seeing what the future brings for her. Well done, Beta Mummy! #ablogginggoodtime

  5. Beta Mummy says:

    Thank you Sarah, what a lovely comment xx

  6. lorraine says:

    Great series Katie & to Beta mummy…Fab reasons for blogging, it shows that you love your audience and they enjoy your writing. Keep cheering everyone up.

  7. It’s so great that people can relate to what you write. If you brighten up someone’s day, you’ve cracked it!


  8. Well said! I’m totally with you – if you can engage people, make them laugh and feel like they’re not alone, then that’s success right there. 🙂

  9. Really enjoyed reading this, because you ARE successful. Who gives a crap about stats? You are extremely talented and have that amazing gift of making people, who may be feeling just a little bit shit, laugh. Keep up the brilliant work. Alison x #ablogginggoodtime

  10. Lucy At Home says:

    I love the way she sums up life in such simple drawings! They really make me chuckle. Keep going – you’re doing a great job. #ABloggingGoodTime

  11. Love this series so much. Success is what we make it and how it makes us feel and this post is fabulous and its one of the reasons I also love reading beta mum’s blog, it cheers me up no end and its like reading my mind! Spot on guys x keep up the good work x #ablogginggoodtime

  12. I love the drawings – they bring a smile to my face while reminding us to have fun in life. Thank you!

  13. Comments that I get also make my day and give me confirmation and confidence that I’m doing something right with writing my blog. They keep me going and make me optimistic that someday stats will go even higher;))

  14. Meg says:

    This is a lovely idea for a series! I’m following this blogger now, thank you 🙂 #ablogginggoodtime

  15. A great continuation to a great series! I love both the series and reading Beta Mummy – both are so inspiration and funny!! #ablogginggoodtime

  16. I love reading Beta Mummy, the doodles (as well as the writing) never fail to make me laugh x

  17. I love Beta Mummy and everything that you stand for. It’s such a huge thing, to make someone feel good… just one laugh can set the world right again. I have always loved your gorgeous drawings too 🙂 Fab guest post Katie… this is such a great series! #ablogginggoodtime xx

  18. Aww you always make me chuckle, you’re definitely a blogging success! I love the concept of Beta Mummy and I know lots of other Beta Mummies (including me) can really relate to your posts and doodles. Keep up the good work!! 🙂 #ablogginggoodtime

  19. I like Beta Mummy too and I think you’re a success! Good job and keep it up. #ablogginggoodtime

  20. I love Beta Mummy and think she is a roaring success! #ablogginggoodtime

  21. Twin Pickle says:

    Yay for Beta Mummy! Has become a favourite recently 🙂 #ablogginggoodtime

  22. Harriet says:

    I am a big fan of Beta Mummy. Her simple yet genius comparisons always get me chuckling! #ablogginggoodtime

  23. Kimberly says:

    Love this. Success comes in so many shapes and sizes, and frankly – just writing something occasionally for your blog juggling other life stuff and children is a huge achievement!
    Congrats and don’t stop making us laugh x

  24. think i am probably one of the least successful bloggers in terms of numbers, which is pretty bad considering i have a BA Marketing lol, but i amuse myself so am quite happy, enjoyed your post x #ablogginggoodtime

  25. Sarah says:

    Beta Mummy always makes my day! #ablogginggoodtime

  26. Lovely post about – I think lots of us can relate to this. I love Beta Mum too! #ablogginggoodtime x

  27. Beta Mummy was one of the first bloggers I followed. I love her funny doodles which summarise parenthood brilliantly. Lovely to have a giggle when you need it. x #ablogginggoodtime

  28. Tammymum says:

    Ah I am sure some of those comments will be from me, I love your blog and you never fail to make me laugh. I think people relate to and appreciate the honesty and definitely the humour. Keep the posts coming lovey – they’re just bloody fab xx

  29. Helena says:

    I love reading your series each week and reading different bloggers views on success.#ablogginggoodtime

  30. Rebecca says:

    Awwww this is amazing… Im going to have to pop over now… you’ve left me with a sense of mystery as to what your blog is all about!! Sounds hilarious and i like hilarious <3

  31. Mazel Tov Beta Mummy! You are indeed a success. Hell, we all need to laugh more and you are a great prescription for that ! Keep up the great work, and I love this series too! #Ablogginggoodtime