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Getting Kids Birthday Ready

kids birthday balloons

*Ad-Sponsored. All opinions are my own.

I cannot believe I am saying this but in less than 2 months I am going to have a seven year old. I am not entirely sure how that is possible. I started this blog when she was 3 months old and 7 years later we are still here. The tiny bundle that would only, and I mean ONLY, sleep on my chest for the first 6 weeks of her life is turning into the most vivacious, kind and intelligent, not so little girl and I could not be prouder of her and she deserves the birthday of dreams from the buying gifts to the party and the day as a whole.

kids birthday cake

I am a planner and I like to get ahead of things so things are a bit easier on me when the time of the event rolls around. Last year, just coming out of lockdown, we had a Mermaid sleepover party. She has requested another sleepover but honestly I do not know if I can do that to myself again!

There will definitely be a party of some kind and I am thinking maybe a party in the park with games and food, though that does rely heavily on our dodgy English weather or perhaps using the local village hall and getting a party person in.

However, what I am or was having the most trouble with this year is what to get her for her birthday presents. She hasn’t specifically asked for anything and as with all kids her age, their tastes change from day to day. I am looking for something different and exciting and that is when I came across Wicked Uncle. I have heard people mention them before and they have had really good reviews so I thought I’d check them out.

kids birthday girl holding present

Right off the bat there website is brilliant because you can search for present suggestions by age but also by categories such as creativity or building. I was delighted to see a fashion section because my little one’s current goal is to be a fashion designer.

What got me most though was that the products I find when I search on their website are a little bit different and not the same rows and rows of generic items you find in almost every “toy store.” The hairdresser belt role-play set is absolutely charming and definitely going to be one of the gifts I am giving this year.

You should definitely check out their website if you’re struggling to find gifts as they have ranges for 0 – 100+ for all us big kids. Plus, you could always send the grandparents over there as it is honestly one of the easiest websites to navigate that I have ever come across.

So, I am now sorted, present wise and all that is left to do is plan the event. She is at school on the day, so the obligatory birthday tiara, badge and box of sweets for her class have already been ordered, I just need to get it together and decide what we are going to do at the weekend to celebrate. Any suggestions that won’t completely break the bank?

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