There are always things we remember from childhood that will stay with us for life aren’t there?! I can remember some amazing experiences – singing as a 12 year old at Last Night of the Proms, winning a first place at an International Baton Twirling Competition, a great mark on a really killer piece of homework and so much more. Something I remember doing a lot of was reading. I have always had the bug and as a child loved nothing more than throwing myself head first into these wonderful worlds. A couple of real favourites of mine were Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl with classics like Malory Towers (I still own my original dog-eared copies) and Fantastic Mr. Fox. I can remember reading them over and over again and I can remember licking my lips when reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory and later singing along when I finally watched the original and amazing film as a young girl. Now, I shall be introducing Alyssa to this classic with another amazing personalised book from Wonderbly. We were asked if we’d like to review their new book My Golden Ticket and so how could we say no…

In case you have missed when we have worked with them before, Wonderbly are the creators of personalised book experiences like Lost My Name and Kingdom of You amongst others and we were thrilled when they asked us to review their new book My Golden Ticket! 
This new book is honestly taking their books to a whole new level – basically this allows any child to take a personalised journey through Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory and actually become part of the story. Features I am loving is firstly that the book is available in both paper and hardback which I think is great and we chose to go for the hardback version as I think they last longer and keep better. I also loved the way in which it came packaged in it’s own beautifully decorated cardboard envelope.
It’s a brand new story that is “opening the chocolate factory to every child on Earth” and has some deliciously personal touches including each child’s very own chocolate bar design. It was funny because when we opened the package I could have sworn I could smell chocolate… and actually I could! Inside the cover of the book (don’t you just love opening a brand new book for the first time??!) there was a little card with a picture of Wonka’s chocolate river on it and it was a scented card! It smelt of delicious chocolate and still does!
The illustrations are gorgeous as are the adventures that each child has inside the book. I don’t know about yours, but my little one squeals every time she hears her name being read like she cannot believe she is in the story or that there perhaps might be another Alyssa. There is even a personalised Oompa Loompa song that has her name in!
It’s not just the old story there are all new rooms and creations to discover – so much so that I feel like I am rediscovering the chocolate factory again for the first time. I am so pleased we have this gorgeous book to add to our Wonderbly collection.

If you’d like to get your hands on a copy of My Golden Ticket or any of their wonderful books then head on over to the Wonderbly site where you can literally have a book winging it’s way towards you within five minutes. Enter your child’s name and a few of their preferences and then leave the magic to them. You won’t regret it!
*This is a collaborative post.