Am I a Sell Out Already??
27th May 2016
Strangers: How Close is Too Close?!
27th May 2016

STOP Saying Sorry!

You know that whole Mummy/Daddy guilt thing that 99% of all parents have? And that 99.9% of it is completely unfounded and just silly? Yeah well I have that… and along for the ride on the mummy guilt train is my apparently annoying habit of saying sorry. However, I don’t just say sorry here and there and when I am in the wrong… I literally say sorry for EVERYTHING! My mum told me that I get it from her and that basically I have inherited her skill at being overly apologetic even when it is nothing to do with me. So what is it exactly that I apologise for…

1. Apparently, a big one that I apologise for is being tired. I am constantly saying sorry that I am so tired. I also combine this with…

2. Apologising for needing to rest. So it appears there is no resolution to this one and that it is a vicious circle – I apologise for being tired but then apologise when I need to rest… um what the hell?!?

3. We have quite a busy household and at any one time can have anywhere from 3-9 people in the house and so we all have to chip in and do our bit to tidy up. Sometimes, I’ll hear my mum say “Oh for goodness sake, HE hasn’t done the dishwasher!” My response? Yup you guessed it… I’M SORRY! I mean really? Someone else hasn’t done something and I apologise?? I am seriously starting to question my own sanity!!

4. I think a lot of people will relate to this one – I apologise for asking for help. It takes a lot for me to admit that I need any help in the first place (little ickle bit stubborn in that respect) however when I do finally give in and ask for help, I will of course be apologising to said help giver for needing it. This is of course ridiculous but stems I would think from feeling like a failure for needing the help in the first place!

5. Finally, when I asked my mum what I was always apologising for, she said “You basically end up apologising for existing!” Obviously, I don’t say Sorry I am alive but because I apologise for anything and everything I might as well apologise for being me and existing!! Opps I had no idea it had gotten this bad!

It wasn’t until I sat down and really thought about it that I realised how much I actually apologise for – and for no good reason whatsoever! I mean, why am I apologising for the faults of others and for being human and needing some rest, sleep and help? Its absolutely ridiculous and it must end. I am going on a “Sorry Detox!” Every time I go to say what we will now refer to as “the S word” I will be stopping to think about if I truly need to say it, or if I am merely using it as a throwaway comment and using it to put myself down… let’s see how it goes shall we?

How about you? Are you a “the S word” kind of person? What are you always apologising for?

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