Little Fingers Organic Baby Food: Fingers of Fun!

As I have told you all many times before, myself and my family are all vegetarians and by all I do include Alyssa as well. A vegetarian diet is considered a very healthy diet for a baby as long as it remains balanced in the same way that any diet should. However, being a vegetarian has proved slightly problematic when trying to buy ready made food for Alyssa. I try and make a lot of her food myself but let's face it... no one's perfect and sometimes you want to grab a sachet, warm it up and be done with it. My local supermarket only stocks one vegetarian savory dish for babies

so unless I particularly want her to turn into a watery piece of spaghetti covered in something vaguely resembling tomato and mozzarella, I generally have to travel around 45 minutes away to a bigger store which granted has a better choice but still not great because let's face it, it isn't really the done thing to have a vegetarian baby.
When Little Fingers Organic Baby Food Co. offered to send me some products to begin with I skeptical as to whether or not they would have anything suitable. Imagine my surprise when there were several somethings suitable for Alyssa to try and she was getting 4 flavours to try -

10 x Courgette Bites, 10 x Lentil & Cheese Fingers, 10 x Squash Bites and 10 x Apple & Sultana Mini Cakes. Little Fingers were good enough to arrange a courier with delivery as items come frozen so they need to make sure someone is home to receive the deliver. The 4 items arrived well packed with freeze packs all over. Each set was in an individual resealable pack and I transferred them to the freezer eager for Alyssa to try them...something different!
I like to give Alyssa, one finger food/ picky meal a day or every other day, to encourage her to feed herself. I leave a spoon which usually ends up on the floor just in case she fancies using it for something other than hitting her tray with. Therefore, I picked a lunchtime meal and about an hour before hand decided to have a quick glance at the packets just in case they were going to take a while to get ready - my little

diva gets a little umm "testy" when she is hungry. However, I needn't have worried. The little cakes needed 30 mins to simply defrost and the others cooked in an oven within minutes which when left to cool a bit matched the length of defrost time and they were all ready to go and I must say looking and smelling really yummy - a few heads popped out of doors in our house to see what had been cooking! I have to say that I tried them first for two reasons... 1) because I know what

Alyssa will and won't eat and 2) because I am the mummy and they looked really yummy. For me personally, I liked them all. The Lentil and cheese appear drier than the others but would go really nice with a tomato sauce or a houmus. The courgette bites had quite a distinctive lemon/citrus taste which for a child's food I thought was quite strong. The Squash bites were slightly citrus too but not as strong. The apple and sultana bites were a delight... need some in adult size too. So... they had passed the mummy (and grandmother test) would they pass the

Alyssa test....
Courgette bites - I broke them in half and handed her a piece which got tentively tasted and then rammed into her mouth... A HIT!
Lentil and Cheese Fingers - I handed her half and she tasted ate and seemed to enjoy it... A HIT!
Squash Bites - These had barely touched her lips and she did her "fake gag" thing which is her way of saying NOPE! She has never taken to squash that much in all honesty so that was always going to be a risk with this one
Apple & Sultana Mini Cakes - I cut these in half as well to make them easier to hold and bite into with her current limited teeth range... I barely saw them they were rammed in cheeks bulging and eyes looking at me as if to say... " Please mum, can have so more?!" What a piggy wiggy! These were definitely A HIT!
There were some new flavours and textures here for bubba so I was so pleased that she liked them. With so many in the pouches we have some in the freezer to use for a few more meals yet and I will definitely make her a little dippig sauce
to go with them.

I have to say I would completely recommend this fantastic company. For parents they are so easy and are great for a quick and yet healthy and nutritious meal and I can imagine would be great for parties too.
For kids, they are something a little different from the norm and are easy for little hands to hold and full of all the good stuff for their tummies!
Little Fingers Organic Baby Food Co. have such a huge and diverse range, including meat products as well and cover a wide range of tastes and diets so you will be sure to find something for your little one.
Why not click here and head over to their website or you can visit them on Twitter @LittleLittleFin!
Thanks Little Fingers my girl gave you a 3/4 but that was purely down to personal taste. I give you a complete 5/5!