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Stilton & Mushroom Pie

Sometimes we require comforting, warm, slides down the throat, lands in the stomach and gives us fuzzies food - and this my friends is one of those foods. So, pastry...stilton...mushrooms - enough said really! I had you at the pinnable (hint hint) image didn't I? No, you do not have to be a Masterchef to make one of these... so lets take a look...

So first thing to get done is the pastry because it needs to rest in the fridge before rolling out. I used a basic Shortcrust pastry recipe from the people over at BBC Good Food which you can find here. Once the pastry is wrapped up and in the fridge it is time to move on to the filling... the best part!

Ingredients (Serves 4-6):

1 onion, sliced 500g chestnut mushrooms, halved 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp tomato puree 1 tbsp tamari sauce 1 tbsp green peppercorns in brine, drained 250ml vegetable stock Salt and freshly ground black pepper 200g Stilton cheese, crumbled


Start by frying the onion and mushrooms in oil until soft.

Add the tomato puree and cook for 5 minutes, then add the tamari sauce, peppercorns and stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat slightly and cook until the liquid has reduced by half. Season to taste.

Divide the filling mixture between four individual pie dishes. Divide the Stilton between the dishes too.

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/ Fan 180ºC/Gas 6. Cut the pastry into four pieces and roll into four circles, just bigger than the dishes.

Damp the rim of the dishes with water and cover the pie dishes with pastry, trim the edges and cut a little hole in the top of each. Brush all over with egg wash to glaze. Bake the pies for about 20 minutes until crisp and golden. Serve with buttery mash and green beans, if liked.


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