No Bake Chocolate & Raspberry Tart

I have mentioned before, but will remind you all anyway (have a bad habit of repeating myself) that my mum and sister have recently had to go gluten free. It has been a huge change for them as they are also vegetarian and are trying to go all natural too ie. no processed sugars either. For the first week or two they were kind of worried that they'd be surviving on nothing but vegetables and chickpeas and as for desserts and chocolate... forget it! My mum is an eager searcher of the internet and spends hours perusing pinterest, twitter, google anything to find out new recipes and things to try. It was during one of her searches that she came across this recipe...
This 'No Bake Chocolate & Raspberry Tart' comes from Rachel over @Bakeritablog and I have to say went down a storm!

The tart case was really easy to make and mould to the tin - plus you don't need to wait for it to set!

To be honest the filling is not that much more complicated and is pretty much like making a ganaché... those worried about it tasting of coconut... it doesn't!
I may have licked the bowl....

Once you have spread the filling evenly out, you don't even need to wait for it to set before putting the raspberries on top!

After I had decorated it, I popped it in the fridge for an hour to make sure I'd be able to get it out of the case... needless to say it did not last long because it was absolutely delicious!

We were all agreed that it was so refreshing to find a gluten free, vegetarian, processed sugar free dessert that a) tasted amazing and b) did not involve using anyform of vegetable (beetroot cake is not for everyone!) I would whole heartedly recommend this dessert for anyone not just people who have dietary requirements!
If you'd like this recipe and more head over to Rachels Blog '' and go nuts in the kitchen!