Nutribix: My Breakfast of Choice

I am not good with breakfast, I never have been. It has never appealed to me and I think it's because I like to wake up a bit before I eat but I am a complete morning person and once I am up, I spring straight into action so tend to forget breakfast all together and survive on coffee until lunch. This is not a particularly healthy way to live and since beginning my diet and new lifestyle in January, I have made a conscious effort to try and eat breakfast each morning to kick start my motabolism like I should. So when the lovely people at Nutribix offered to send me some of their cereal I thought... meh what have I got to lose?!

First of all let me say how pleased I was to open the box and find both a regular pack of Nutribix and a Gluten Free pack too. Two members of my family have recently had to go gluten free and have been finding breakfast quite a challenge so they were quite excited to give something new a go too. The packaging looks really good and is very bright and colourful. I like the fact that the gluten free has a completely different colour making them much more distinguishable. The packets open down the length of the box and packaged inside in plastic wrapping, are 24 bars. The only thing I will say is that, I think it would have been better for the packets to open on the end rather than the full length of the box because this would have prevented so much risk of exposure to air and I found the cardboard tore fairly easily. However, thanks to the plastic inside the box, my Nutribix has stayed very fresh!

I am also more of a vegetable person and generally have to be encouraged to eat fruit mostly because I think it's a lot of work - peeling, chopping blah blah blah. But I thought, I will try my Nutribix with some fruit on for sweetness. OH MY GOODNESS! I am in breakfast heaven. For something that is supposed to be good for you and healthy this tastes really damn good! I can't believe I am going to say this (as I have been a fan since I was a kid) but think Weetabix only BETTER by like a million! I poured milk over mine (skimmed) added some banana and blueberries and it was total perfection. Although the Nutribix absorb the milk, for the most part they don't break down and disintegrate, they just soften. There are varying sized pieces that make up each bar and the regular ones were actually quite sweet on their own as they have a dash of honey and coconut in them!

I also tried the gluten free ones myself and whilst slightly less sweet, they still had a great texture. With them, I tried dried cranberries with a tablespoon of maple syrup and again it was completely delicious. The packs themselves advertise that you could add them to a smoothie that you make for breakfast and I have to say I don't think that would be a bad idea. I have enjoyed these Nutribix so much that I have been having some for lunch as well! I am hooked on this stuff! However, this is where there is a slight problem. Whilst Tescos, Morrisons & Sainsburys all stock the gluten free version, the regular one is currently only available through Ocado (well done them - good choice!) Normally, I don't shop with Ocado but I may have to make an exception as I think this is the only place I am going to be able to get my hands on some - totally worth it!

So my advice to you is to Rise & Shine with a bowl of Nutribix; have it plain with milk, pop some fruit, nuts, chocolate flakes in there... whatever floats your boat. My advice to all the supermarkets and stores out there.... Get With It! Stock up on some Nutribix, so people like me (okay ME) can keep on enjoying it!
If you'd like to know more about Nutribix you can visit their website here.
**Nutribix gifted me these boxes of cereal for an honest review. All opinions are my own **