Organix: Our Choice for Baby Snax!

When your baby finally starts weaning, you obviously want them to eat only the best. Every mummy or daddy, myself included, starts out by steaming, chopping, mushing organic fruits and vegetables to make only the healthiest meals for our precious little ones.

Now, for 99% of people this phase does not last because unfortunately a baby weaning or eating food does not mean more time and less work. In fact, by wanting our babies to eat our amazing food, we are in fact creating MORE work for ourselves. I do have a massive cooking session once a month where I make about 30 pots of homemade food in about 4 flavours and freeze them so that she can have them throughout the month. I do, however, have some packets of food that I use when I don't have time to make anything or for ease when we are going out.

However one thing I don't make is snacks - unfortunately I just don't have the time to do this. That is where Organix comes in; we absolutely love their products and the huge range that they offer us. A few weeks ago we were lucky enough to be offered some free samples so imagine Alyssa’s delight when a package arrived in the post bearing her name.

Of course I had to let her open it as it was her post and inside were lots of amazing goodies that she had been sent. We found some banana ring biscuits, some red pepper flavoured crisps, some cheese flavoured crisps, some raspberry and blueberry rice cakes and some banana and plum porridge. What a selection she had been sent! (I should say right now that Alyssa and I are reviewing the 7m+ products but they do have products available from 4m+)
First and foremost, our favourite thing about Organix is that we have not found one single product that Alyssa cannot eat - they are all vegetarian friendly which is awesome! So, moving on to what we found in her box… first up the Banana Baby biscuits. These are actually available in several flavours, all of which Alyssa has tried and not surprisingly adored. She has one of these as a treat when she is having a finger food session and we always have some packed in our bag for when we are out as an easy snack she can handle. The absolute best thing about these biscuits, is that they are a ring, not too thick, making them very easy for little hands to hold and get to their mouths. If your little one is only just starting to wean, these are a great starting point!
Next we have the two crisps - the Red Pepper and the Cheese! I put two or three of these on a picky plate for Alyssa to eat. They are perfect for babies with or without teeth because they melt in the mouth and become soft. Alyssa does seem to prefer the cheesy ones but this could be because the taste is slightly milder than the red pepper with regards to the intensity. The only thing I will say, from a parents point of view, is that these are not great for babies who are still working on their inital "pick-up skills." The crisps come in heart and star shapes that are quite chunky and are not overly easy for the little hands to keep hold of whilst sucking and chewing unlike a long sausage shape would be.

Next, we have the fruity rice-cakes. I have to say, that these went down a hit with my little one. Not only is she a fruit and sweet fiend, she has just started teething, so this slightly harder texture was great for her to gnash her gums against. These are just like adult rice-cakes, only in a mini form. They have the flavour on just one side and not too much of it so it doesn't overwhelm your little muncher. Whilst round, these are not too thick meaning they are great for holding onto... as you can see Alyssa was a little impatient and tried to chew her way through the packet to these!

Finally, we had the banana and plum porridge to try. Now, when we first started weaning, Alyssa adored porridge but for some reason went off it and became very fussy about the consistency. She is not a morning eater and has to really be encouraged to eat breakfast, so I was not sure how this was going to go down... especially as it was bittier and chunkier. However, I needn't have worried; she wolfed it down. I can honestly say, I have never seen her eat breakfast like it. It was brilliant and a joy to watch her enjoying it so much. I have been concerned about making sure she eats enough in the mornings, rather than just chowing down on milk and now I have the answer! She liked it so much, she decided to wear some and take a selfie as you can see! The only tip from a mummys point of view is that the recommended amount to make up is quite a large portion, so I only made up half the amount and this was a more than ample breakfast for my little bubba which is great because it means our box is going to last twice as long!
So there you have it folks, that's oour thoughts about the food from Organix! What we have told you about is only a small fraction of what they have on offer (Alyssa adores their fruit pots too!) and we have found a lovely big range available in both Tescos and Asda! Overall we rate it blimmin awesome and Alyssa told me to let you all know that she is officially a #OrganixBaby !

How about you? What does your baby enjoy munching?