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Slimmin' American Style Pancakes

One meal I have real issues with when dieting is breakfast! I am a real fan of toast with lashings of butter topped off with marmite and peanut butter (oh yes I mean together - seriously try it!!!) or I'd love to indulge in a fry-up or sadly Cookie Crunch or Kellogs Crunchy Nut! Unfortunately, none of these are really all that possible when dieting, especially on a regular basis, so quite often I end up just skipping breakkie which also is not a good move on a diet as it delays starting your metabolism... so how do you make breakfast interesting and desirable? Well, I have one word for you PANCAKES!! Yes, pancakes in all of their delicious fluffy glory and I am talking about thick and chunky American Style ones... But what about the diet I hear you say?! Well, never fear... if you are a Slimming World attendee... this recipe happens to be FREE!!

Ingredients (makes 4-6 pancakes)

3 Eggs

2 Bananas

Topping of your choice - I chose a handful of blueberries and "syned" 1 tbsp of Maple Syrup


1. Heat a non-stick frying pan on a medium heat with some Fry-Lite Spray oil (butter or sunflower flavour best)

2. While it is heating, peel the bananas and put in a bowl and mash them until smooth. Crack and add all the eggs and whisk together until you have a batter.

3. Transfer the mixture into a jug (or if you are really clever use a ladle) and then pour the batter directly onto the frying pan - it should pour into roundish pancake shapes and be quite thick.

4. Leave to cook on that side, gently pulling at the edges with a spatula for a approx 2-3 minutes.

5. When you think the underside has set, flip each pancake over and allow the new underside to cook. If you prefer more colour to your pancakes, continue to flip over until you reach your desired colour (I like mine golden!)

6. Pop the pancakes in a stack on a plate - in my case pop the blueberries on the plate and drizzle the maple syrup over....

Nom Nom Nom!

**Please note this is not my recipe but one I have tried - unfortunately I cannot find the original creator of this recipe but kudos to them!**

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