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My Fat Journey: Week 7

FOOD! I swear there is literally food everywhere! I know that is a bit of a silly statement and that I should be used to my "new way of life" by now but this week I have seriously noticed food. More specifically food I should not really be eating. Don't get me wrong, I had a "cheat night" and enjoyed a small naughty meal with my family and other than that have been really good but for some reason this week I am craving cheese and onion pasties, salt and vinegar squares and mars bars!! Nope I am NOT pregnant as that would be the new immaculate conception but I kind of wish I was as then at least I'd have an excuse!

However, moving on from my distinctly annoying food porn problem this week and it's not been too bad! Alyssa and I had a break from swimming lessons this week as it was half term, however we didn't miss out as we have started our early evening Monday swims with the family which she enjoyed immensly... though she did look round like "Hang on... you don't normally come swimming with me?!?!" She also had her first go in a little inflatable rubber ring so mummy could swim whilst pushing her. She loved it, but I didn't keep her in there too long as obviously I am trying to teach her to swim unaided at her lessons... look at ma little chubster!!

Despite craving everything you see in the M&S adverts this week, I have been good and my absolute favourite indulgence this week that I have had for a couple of meals is "Stuffed Jackets!" My filling of choice is onion and tomato, though I do occasionally like the mushroom but if I have that then I fry them in fry-lite spray with garlic and parsley before adding them to the jacket filling... I stink but it tastes oh so delish!

I've had a really good week, blog wise, and had some amazing comments and feedback which has given me a good mental health boost. It is so wonderful to know that people like what you write and relate or appreciate it... I must be doing something right. It is also my birthday next week and I am going to be hitting the ripe old age of 31!! (Jeez louise where the hell did that come from??!) Anyway, as a complete and utter treat, I am saving my syns up all week because I will be indulging in my first alcoholic beverage in 18 months on my birthday! That's right, I have not had a drink since I became pregnant, but I am going to have a cheeky cocktail at lunch and maybe a glass of vino in the evening whilst enjoying some online blogger chat! (I know such a raver!!)

So, how did I do this week? Well do you remember how I put on a pund last week meaning I was still two away from hitting my first stone? Well...


I finally did it. I finally hit my first stone. So pleased!! One down a million to go but hey it's further than I have gotten in a long while... so whoop whoop!!

How have you done this week??

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