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Highlights of the Week: #10

I have to admit… in a week where I put on a pound instead of losing a pound to hit my first stone, I was not sure I would find too many “highlights.” However, apart from that one itty bitty pound, it has actually been a pretty decent week all told!

1. Offline – Monday there was such glorious weather that Alyssa and I joined my brother-in-law and nephew on a trip down the beach with our cameras. Despite being chilly, the wind was down and the sun was out. It was gorgeous. The weather was just what I needed as I have an upcoming piece featuring shots of the beach and from the photos taken, apart from our coats and hats, you’d swear it was summer – thanks Mother Nature!

Photo taken by Peter Geilern

2. Online – I was able this week to join in the entire @Blognix chat this week on Wednesday evening and joined in with my first ever @Blogtacular one too! It was nice to have two whole hours talking to like-minded and different people from the world of blogging. It has made my desire to attend an event even stronger!!

3. Offline – The reason I was able to participate in chats this week was because my darling daughter has finally admitted defeat and started going down to sleep in the evenings… in her cot!! I know, I could not believe it either. This has not come without tears, from us both, however we finally seem to be making some headway and I am finally grasping at a bit more mummy time!

4. Online – I read a really interesting piece this week by the wonderful @mrandmrstplus3 called “The 16 Dos & Don’ts of Blogging!” An amazing piece that is quite blunt in delivery but not unjustly so. She says it how it is and says what a lot of us are thinking but too afraid to say. She also calls us all out on our bad habits or impolite blogging habits. Go Amy… you tell it how it is and should be!

5. Offline – I know there seems to be a common thread with my offline/online activities this week, however I am very excited to tell you that… I FINALLY got some SLEEP! Getting Alyssa to sleep in her cot has not only freed up my evenings, stopped the constant nagging pain in my neck and shoulder from holding her too long in the evening but it has also allowed me to choose when I go to sleep and get a lot more of it. Previously she was in a mattress on my bed which made me worried to move and I think was becoming uncomfortable for her. Now we are both managing to get a bit more sleep - thank goodness!!

6. Online – I was fortunate enough to be asked to do my FIRST review of a product over the past week for the lovely people @Bakerdays! The hardwork I have been putting into my blog over the past 3 months is paying off already… I mean who doesn’t love cake!!

7. Offline – I had an excuse to do some shopping this week as not only do we have mother’s day coming up but it is also my sister’s birthday next week! I love browsing online, a really bad habit that has worsened since I went on maternity leave! I managed to find exactly what I wanted for both occasions and am happy that I am organised and ready to roll.

8. Online – A very exciting moment happened this week when I happened to open an email. A brand new opportunity was offered to me, one that had me screaming from the rooftops both in person AND on my personal social media accounts. More details to follow shortly but needless to say… I am EXCIIITTTEEDDD!!

9. Offline – This week, I actually sat down with a big sheet of paper, some post-it notes and coloured pens and had a massive brainstorming session for the blog. I was feeling a bit stuck to start with, but once I was armed with all my stationery and the first few mediocre ideas were out the way, the pens started scrawling and I was away. Felt sooo good and it looked really pretty when I was finished!

10. Online – Over the past week, I have gained some lovely new followers; some by word of mouth (thanks for the RT’s/shares guys) and some through joining in with the online chats. This has been great as it has allowed me the opportunity to read some lovely new blogs and meet some awesome new people. Glad to be connecting with you guys!

So that is my week in a nutshell – some really exciting highs and then just some normal run of the mill stuff. How about you… any news?

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