My Fat Journey: Week 6

I'm going to change things up this week and tell you right from the outset what the scales said. Remember that illusive 1lb I wanted to lose to hit my first stone? Well....
I didn't lose it. In fact I gained a pound. The first time I have seen a positive number appear on the scales and I must admit that I feel less than positive. I have no excuses, only that I have been slacker this week on what I have been eating. There are of course reasons for this...
1. I have been trying to sleep train Alyssa and on the first night it took 4 HOURS to settle her
2. ...
Nope, I am not going to make excuses, it was my own doing. There were a few times where I just grabbed food without working out their proper value... and this is the result!

I have been completely ravenous, or thought I was, most of the week which tells me I have eaten the wrong food. Don't get me wrong, I haven't been bingeing on pizza and chips or anything (I bloody wish I had now!!) but some members of my family have recently gone gluten free and processed sugar free, meaning that some ingredients have changed, so I have grabbed the meal, without thinking oh... does it work for my diet too??!

WELL, never again! I refuse point blank to ever have a gain week again! I have worked my butt off already, have a long way to go but I want to finally get there. I want to not be self concious (or as much so) when I go to the big waterparks in September and damn it I want to feel happy in a bikini. So I am shaking this week off, pulling on my big girl pants and charging forwards!!

I don't think it would be a good idea for me to share what I have enjoyed eating this week as apparently I have not done a very good job of it! However, Alyssa and I did make it to our swim class and we went to the beach for a lovely walk in the cool sunshine and took some amazing pictures for an upcoming feature post for the blog. We have also been out to the park this week (again for the blog post) and it has been so nice getting out there and enjoying the fresh air, even if the sunshine didn't last for very long!!
So, tell me how you have done this week? Any troubles? Any words of wisdom for me?