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Highlights of the Week: #9

I can't believe that I am already on my ninth post of highlights - where is the time going?! It's half way through February, nearly my birthday and I swear it was Christmas like five minutes ago. Anyway, what has been happening this week??

1.Online - I made it. This week I hit my first 1000 followers on Twitter which just seems insane to me. The notification was followed by much dancing around my bedroom and whooping. Needless to say both my mum and Alyssa looked at me as though I was nuts - Alyssa chuckled too which is always good.

2. Offline - My weightloss journey has continued and is still going and I am now only 1lb short of losing a stone! I will be hitting that pound this week I swear to god... but if I lose 4lbs I make it to a new weight bracket!!! I wonder which parts of my body I could do without if I cut them off....

3. Online - A very big moment for me this week, was opening my email to find that I have been asked to write my first proper "feature" for an outside party AND I am being paid for it!! This is huge. Blogging, whilst it involves a lot of time and effot, does not feel like work. It is an escape and something that I love and the email this week was just proof for me that I am heading in the write direction to eventually make Blogging my career!!!!

4. Offline - Whilst the majority of my family live within 5 minutes of me, we often pass each other by because of busy schedules, children, work and only get to exchange a few words and it's out the door again. So it was nice this week, to sit down and have a big family dinner together. Unfortunately my brother and sister-in-law couldn't make it but it was lovely to see everyone else for longer than a few seconds and of course Alyssa enjoyed the attention!

5. Online - I sometimes indulge in one of the many follow and retweet competitions on Twitter because I like the product or because I see it and just think why the hell not?! Well, this week it paid off because I randomly won a beautiful Princess Toy Basket from @Vibranthome A real shocker as I had only shared on a whim because I thought they were gorgeous. Having looked at their website I feel a dangerous splurge going on so you should really go and check it out. Pics to come soon as it should arrive next week!!

6. Offline - Speaking of seeing family, my mum and I had a lovely trip into town this week with Alyssa to meet my brother-in-law (a SAHD) for a delicious Costa Coffee. Peter (BIL) is one of Alyssa's favourite people, so it was lovely for her to be able to indulge in cuddles and finger chewing (her not him!) with Uncle Pete!

7. Online - I was completely overwhelmed, overjoyed and just over the moon (i was really over) to have been chosen by Aby from @Youbabymemummy to be featured as a Newbie Blogger in her round-up for @BritMums this month. She chose an article that was really difficult for me to write (Please Don't Take My Baby) and the recognition is just awesome! You can see her newbie round-up here.

8. Offline - Alyssa's wardrobe and the amount of clothes she has is actually ridiculous and this week I took the time to sort through it all. Not only that, I was able to photograph and eBay some of the nicer items that I could not bear to just recycle! The rest are bagged up for charity and I now have a new List (love love love lists) of what I need to get her at the end of the little girl has BIG feet!

9. Online - I found myself reading a lot of blog posts this week, thanks to the many linkys that I take part in. One that really stuck out to me was @Motherhoodreal post "How to Secure Sponsored Blog Posts!" It was really informative and highlighted quite a few things I hadn't thought of. I think that anyone considering or attempting to go pro should take a gander as thanks to her, I am now signed up to a couple of Facebook groups I didn't know were there. Thanks Talya!!

10. Offline - If you are following my get healthy journey, you will know that I am trying to get more physical with my activities and also that my family has joined me on this journey too. Combining these two, my family and I have found a local pool that will privately rent to us one evening a week at a really good price. So not only will we all be getting some exercise, we will also all be getting together once a week to go for a swim. That will mean that Alyssa and I get to go swimming twice a week and we will be able to practice all her swimming lesson stuff. Awesome!

This has been one of my easiest round ups to write yet. How has your week been? Any news?

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