My Fat Journey: Weigh In Week 5

When I was writing the title for this weeks post, I was quite astounded to find that this was week five already. I can't believe that I have now been on my new healthy kick for a whole month... and I am still going!! Anyway, on to this week...

Not been a bad one, but again not been too amazing either. Bloody illnesses I am telling you... this week I nearly fainted and blacked out, so I headed up to the doctors straight away (frog-marched by my own darling mother) to find that I have viral labyrinthitis, meaning my balance is wayyyyy off and it causes nausea and some other delightful things, but that meant that once again we had to miss swimming as it was too dangerous for me to both drive and be in the pool. Luckily, the tablets I have been given have helped, but it's meant I have had to have a lot of help with bubba this week as it hasn't been safe for me to lift or carry her very far... grrrrr!!

This week on the blog, I talked about the idea of dating again and whether or not I was ready ( To Date or Not to Date... in case you are interested) and then went ahead and wrote about my biggest love regret too "My Soulmate: The One I Loved; The One I Lost" and I think they had a very positive and healing affect upon my mind. As you know, I am not just trying to improve my physical health, but also my mental health and part of that means getting out there again and interacting with other members of the human race. Well..... I signed up for an online dating agency!! Arggghhhhh!! I have no idea if I will actually go on any dates but I must admit I have enjoyed the attention and new conversation I have been engaged in the past few days!!

If you read last weeks Weigh In post, you will know that I switched diets and was trying out an alternative to the original one I had been using. It's been an interesting trial but I really noticed a difference in the two diets. I have to say, the new one did not work well for me at all. It seemed incredibly hard to do as a vegetarian and for the first time since I began dieting, I actually felt hungry. The recipes were better but I felt more restricted and like I was eating less. Therefore, I will be returning to my original diet because I know it works for me and I know instinctively what I can and cannot eat. Speaking of food, my favourite meal this week has to be Roasted Med Veg with Mozzarella! Completely delicious and because there is cheese (half fat I might add) it feels just a little bit naughty nom nom nom!

Despite being quite restricted as to how far I could go and walk this week (due to my oh so random dizziness!!) I did get out and about a fair bit. My mum and I popped over to one of the nearby towns to visit a lovely big health food shop and then went and had a warm drink in a very blustery but sunnyish local park. I also met my brother-in-law for a coffee, once again bringing along my mum and of course my little bubba! Sometimes, even if it is just a half an hour outting to the supermarket, it does help you not to feel so cut off!

So how did I do this week? Well, remember I have changed diets, but I was also only 4lbs away from my first stone...
Yup, amazingly I still managed to lose 3lbs, though that last 1lb to hit my first stone has annoyed me slightly but hey just means that next week will be even better. I am also only 4lbs away now from moving down to my next (second) weight bracket! So heres hoping for next week. So tell me, how has your week been?