My Fat Journey: Week 4 Weigh In

So this week marks a whole month that I have been doing this "new lifestyle" thing and how do I feel?! Not too bad. I think my body feels better in itself but my mind is still having issues adjusting to the new lifestyle. I've found this week, more than any other so far, I have been craving food that whilst I am on this diet I simply cannot have...

But I will admit to you all right now, that one night this week, it got late in the evening, I hadn't eaten, I had an over tired baby and was starving so I whacked a pizza and some garlic bread in the oven and ate the lot. I didn't feel better for eating it... it was merely for convenience because I had not managed to cook anything that day. I think that's one of the major problems for most people when it comes to dieting - being healthy requires a hell of a lot more effort most of the time. I know you could say that there are loads of "healthy" ready meals out there... well next time you go to the supermarket have a look to see how many healthy VEGETARIAN ready meals there are and you will see where I hit a problem.

This week was a little disruptive, diet wise, because my family have decided to join me in this new way of life but wanted to try a different diet to the one I was doing and so rather than having to cook different kinds of meals, I switched too. I have to say that I am not too fond of the new one, but I am going to give it a go for another week and see if it is as good for me as the diet I was already on. I think different people work well with different diets, so it may be that I have to cook something different for myself and everyone else. One thing I will say is that there seems to be more snacks and better recipes on this new diet, but I am missing my free carbs from the other one!
Speaking of food, my favourite recipe that I made this week, has to be my Roasted Tomato, Garlic & Pepper Soup. So quick and easy, but if there are any flavours that you don't like, it is so easy to swap them around and make something different.... nom nom nom!

I upped my exercise this week, by trying to take bubba out for a walk which obviously is good for her too as we are both getting more fresh air. Rather than driving to the other end of our little town, I walked (bloody long road) and back up again to where I parked the car. I used to walk everywhere, as I only took my driving test at age 28 and it was a crisp, chilly but sunny day so it was nice to be outside and Alyssa fell asleep bundled up in her woolies... such a cutie.
I have finally come to realise this week that I need some time for myself. Generally, I spend 24 hours a day with my bubba and I love her dearly but I think it's causing me to go a little ga gaa. Initially when this thought first popped into my head, I felt the overwhelming rush of mummy guilt.. "I should want to be with my baby always... she's so precious... I'm such a terrible mummy!" However, it was then pointed out to me that if I was part of a 2 parent team, I would not be always with my little cherub and that everyone needs a break sometimes. So wheels have been set in motion to give me 2 hours off twice a week... which may not sound like much but actually it's huge!

What with changing diets and my terrible evening of ramming pizza down my throat, I was unsure as to whether I would be able to lose any weight at all. However....
I was really chuffed to lose but I am dying to get that last 4lbs and hit my first stone loss. So fingers crossed this week for that. How has your week been? Have you managed to stick to it? What problems have you faced?