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Highlights of the Week: #2 & #3

I took a cheeky few days off from the blogging world over Christmas and New Year, to enjoy the time with my family and to help both Alyssa and I recover from a yucky cold/flu thing that was completely unappreciated! This means that I decided to combine my highlights from the past 2 weeks into one, yup you guessed it, lovely list.

1. Offline - 1st Christmas! That's right, my bubba and I had our first one together and despite being ill it was wonderful to have her here and watch her little face take in everything it could.

2. Online - I hit 200 followers on Twitter which seemed to take forever (I know I know just starting blah blah blah) but was a huge achievement for me!

3. Offline - DISNEY! You may have seen my excitement span across every social media platform that I have, but in case you didn't know... We're going to DISNEY WORLD. My sister and brother-in-law surprised us all with a family trip to Florida and Disney for September 2016! Anyone who knows me, knows I love Disney and cannot bloody wait... AMAZING!!

4. Online - More Followers! I also hit 100 followers on Instagram which I was really pleased about as I sometimes think its almost harder as you don't really use any words to bring people in which means my photos can't be all bad!

5. Offline - Food Glorious Food! You will see in my new accountability post coming out this week, that I shall soon be abstaining from a lot of lovely foods. However, over the Christmas/New Year period I seriously indulged (okay stuffed my face) with lots of yummy stuff - I have one word for you... CHEESE!!!

6. Online - Scheduling! I was really pleased that whilst I took a mini break over the holidays, my blog and posts kept themselves running and I just had a sneaky peek once or twice a day to respond to messages - being an organised busy body paid off!

7. Offline - Presents! I got some amazing presents for Christmas this year - a lot of them Disney based due to the fact that at times I think I may actually be a Disney Princess. However, one of my top gifts was a gorgeous Tiffany & Co bracelet once again from my lovely sister and brother-in-law! Feeling a bit spoilt this year!!

8. Offline - Family. One of the things I love most about the Christmas/New Year stretch is that the family all stay together. We cram into one house with a load of supplies and hole up together until January with board games, food, drink and laughter. Great time had by all!

9. Offline - Fireworks! My brother-in-law bought a load of fireworks for bonfire night which we never set off due to bad weather. Well, it stopped raining long enough for us to have them on New Years Eve! Alyssa was amazing - she didn't jump or cry but just watched in wonder with a few oos and ahhs and some frantic excited arm waving (she did watch from inside the porch as she still had her yucky bug at this point!)

10. Online - Support! It has amazed me since I started blogging almost a month ago now, how amazingly supportive fellow bloggers and readers are. I suppose I found it surprising as these people are effectively your competition and yet the friendship and support that I have found has been lovely. Thank you everyone!

I know that I had more offlines than on this week, but I think with it being Christmas, that is as it should be. What were your highlights over the festive period?

Happy New Year Everyone!

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