My Fat Journey: Week 3 Weigh In

I am not going to lie, this week has been really tough. My little bubba has not been sleeping properly since Christmas and has had the most horrendous cold this week making it ten times worse! I don't know about you, but I always start out quite well with sleep deprivation and then it just gets to a point where it's a bit too much!

Positive notes to mention this week though, are that I didn't wander from my healthy ways. I stuck to it, despite a desperate craving for something really cheesy and very naughty but I pushed through. I did quite a bit of cooking this week (I mean when do I not cook?!?) and I have to say, that I think my favourite meal was "Veggie Beef Bourguignon" it was so yummy and delicious and such a big portion, it was almost like I could forget I was dieting.
I did take one evening off and indulged in a treat with my family, which as it was a treat was very very enjoyable. I think sometimes, you have to have a treat because otherwise that is when you end up "cheating" because you are not "allowed" the foods you want or think you want. So, I saved syns/points/calories and indulged in a couple of slices of pizza which were bloody amazing!

I have not been a very active mamma this week due to the previously afformentioned illness and lack of sleep. However, we will be returning to our wonderful swimming class this week and I cannot wait! Also, as it is finally January pay day this week (yayyyyyyyy) I am hoping to be able to join a yoga class next week perhaps as a way for me to wind down and be calm. It will also be an activity just for me, where I am not a mummy.
I did something important for my mental health this week; I went into work for a meeting to discuss my future! Now being a single parent, I really do not have a choice but to work, however for my own sanity I need to make sure it is a place I am happy. So, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I informed them that in fact I would not be returning. I have always been made to be a solo worker there and it is one of those really cliquey places that I have just never fit into. Of course, there is the small ball of anxiety now that I must find another job, but my family have let me know they are there to support me if/when I need them. So a positive action definitely taken for my mental health. Also, just FYI, when I went to this meeting, it was the longest time I had been away from Alyssa since she was born - go me!

Okay, so this week, I got on the scale and...
I didn't lose a thing. I know I did really well this week with eating healthily and I was all ready to see my loss, feeling slightly better on the inside after a tear or two (due to lack of sleep and because I am that type of person)... However, girls, you know our 'best friend', Mother Nature, well she decided to pay a visit and out stayed her welcome and so when I got weighed in this week, not only did I have my own weight to weigh but also hers. At least what I've lost has counteracted her little plan as my weight hasn't moved... So, Mother Nature, your plan didn't work!! It just means once you've moved out I can see that scale move again the way it should!! So come on peeps, how has your week been?