Highlights of the Week: #5

Is it me, or has this week been a particularly long one? It seems to have gone flying by but also taken it's time. Know what I mean? It has been a tiring week I must admit, with my darling little one rationing out my sleep like she's running low on supplies. Nonetheless, I have still managed to have so happy times this week in both the virtual and the reality.
1. Offline - Splish Splash! Alyssa and I had our first mummy/baby swimming lesson this week with @Puddletheduck It was absolutely amazing; a perfect "us" time activity and so much fun. She loved it as did I. The instructor was really kind but full of beans and the side of pool staff member was great at explaining everything we newbies needed to know. Completely recommend them!

2. Online - #coolmumclub I have been a part of this linky for a while and it was back for the first link up of 2016 this week. I love it over there and the support from @mummuddlingthru and @motherhoodreal is awesome. Thanks for hosting and having me guys <3
3. Offline - Weigh In! I had my first weeks weigh in since beginning "My Fat Journey" and I lost!! I was soooooo pleased... and you can read all about it here.
4. Online - Comments! I have had a lot of lovely comments starting to appear on my website which gives me warm fuzzies it has to be said as it is nice to know that people are taking the time to actually read what I, little old me, is writing!

5. Offline - Get Together! I was finally able to meet up for a cuppa and chat with my lovely friend Claire this week. We've been friends since the age of 12 when we started secondary school together and the catch up was well overdue. We have also now decided to make it a fortnightly thing which is lovely... shame we can't indulge in cake but we are both being VERY annoyingly good!
6. Online - Platform Success! I use Buffer as my way of scheduling posts across my different social media platforms. This week I discovered their new Calendar view... and I am in love!! I can see so much more, scheduling is faster and it makes re-buffering ten times easier. Thanks @Buffer - you guys rock!
7. Offline - Milestones! My darling daughter has finally got her big girl bed (a cot as she was previously sleeping in a cocoon mattress!) Complete bittersweet moment that made me well-up (i cry A LOT...remember Mufasa dying? If you didn't cry at that, what is wrong with you?) It is lovely and amazing to watch her grow, but sad at the same time because it just seems to be going so fast - I swear I only brought her home yesterday!!

8. Online - InstaLove! I have fallen completely in love with Instagram over the past few weeks. It is so nice (usually hate that word "nice") and uncomplicated although obviously you need to know how to "play the IG game" to get followers as it is much more difficult than any other platform. However, I think that I would still use it even if I didn't have any... mainly because I love having a good nose at other peoples lives as well as looking back at my own! You can follow me here.
9. Offline - Cooking Up a Storm! I had a great few hours in the kitchen this week, steaming and blitzing food for my little cherub. I can safely say that she now has enough food to survive an apocolypse (and she did none of the work... the lazy madam just sat there banging her stick!)

10. Online/Offline - Dedication! This is a combined one and a little self indulgent... but I wanted to give myself a mini pat on the back this week. It's been hard, as bubba hasn't been sleeping, and yet I have not cancelled any plans, I have not missed any posts (they may have been slightly late) and I have managed to get the job done: by job I mean existing and blogging... and not without a few tears I might add too. Needed to put my big girl pants on a few more times this week but I made it to Sunday... Whoop!
So, that was my week. What's been happening with all of you guys? Highs/Lows?