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Weigh In: Week 1

I was overwhelmed last week by the number of comments on my "I am Fat" post that was the beginning of my journey to a new me. I wanted to start out by saying, for all the worriers out there, that don't worry I am doing this sensibly and I am not starving myself and this is about me, for me and I am very excited by it but thank you ever so much for your support!!

So this week... how was it? Well actually not as bad as I thought. I think I have started a new diet every Monday for the last 16 years so I know that first weeks can range from being invigorating to feeling like I am dying of starvation and my stomach will never feel full again! Well, I have to say that this week has been much more towards the positive side, though I have to admit that I did at points feel like I was going to turn into a baked bean this week as I was not too imaginative with the cooking.

A tough moment for me this week was when we had a birthday in the family - cake was not the problem as I could quite happily live without most sweet stuff as I am more of a cheese and chutney kind of gal. The problem was that we were going out for dinner...for pizza!! However, I knew this right from the beginning of the week, so I budgeted my "Syns" and calories for the week so that I was able to indulge in a little pizza (I went for the 500 kcal and under option) and it was really good!

However, I have to say that I didn't actually enjoy it as much as I thought I would.... want to know why? Bloody accountability. I am telling you, anyone who wants to lose weight, this stuff works. Any time, the entire week, the mere thought of eating something that was bordering let alone living in the unhealthy zone, and immediately "DANGER WILL ROBINSON" lights and noises started going off in my head. If I ate something I shouldn't, or "cheated" as it's called, then I would be the one to have to tell all of you that I had failed the first week when I didn't lose weight. So I have to say, a huge, mahusive, giant, big, fat THANKS to everyone who is joining me on my "I am Fat" journey. You helped turn what could have been a really tough week into one that actually wasn't so bad!

My favourite meal that I cooked this week was Veggie Quinoa Burgers with Potato Wedges and Tomato Salsa (you can find the recipe for that here) I made enough to freeze some for a handy dive to meal later in the week and to be honest I could eat them all day they are so yummy and if you follow @SlimmingWorld they are completely free!!

Remember that I also needed to get a healthy mind back too? That really does involve getting back out there in the world and interacting with people again. So, I took a big step this week and Alyssa and I have signed up for Mummy/Baby swim classes, so not only is this a good fitness activity for me, it is a great bonding one too and we will have the opportunity to meet other mummies and babies... eek scary!! I have also arranged to go and see one of my favourite people, my friend Claire, for a coffee and catch up this weekend which is long overdue so I can't wait!

Finally, I suppose I had better get around to telling you what you have all popped by for really. Did I lose weight? How much did I lose? Well, thanks to you guys acting as a conscience on each shoulder, I did infact lose this week!! I lost:


Which, considering I had that pizza birthday meal, I believe is a nice healthy start to a healthier me. Now, I have been wittering on for far too long. Please tell me how your weeks have gone and how you have done in your weightloss journey?!



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