Highlights of the Week: #1

(Get it... Highlights... Highlighters!! Just me? Okay moving swiftly on....)
As I am a bit of a newbie noob when it comes to blogging (and mummyhood) I thought it would be nice to look at my favourite parts of the week just gone both online and off. Everyweek something good, fun or exciting happens and I think by writing them down, it will be a nice way to look back and remember (plus gives me a bloody good excuse to write another list... I love lists!!)
1. Online - First full week of my new blog has now finished and I couldn't be happier (or dare I say it proud) of myself. The prep work and reading to prepare really paid off and it is slowly but surely getting more readers (like you the absolutely gorgeous fabulous person reading this BTW I love your top <3 !!)
Picture by Christian Schnettelker
2. Offline - I am still a mummy! A bit weird I know, but I wake up every morning and am so thankful that she's here, with me, my lovely gorgeous, getting chunkier monkier by the minute little bubba!
3. Online - I joined a lovely new linky this week #brilliantblogposts which is hosted by @HonestMummy Another great link to be a part of! (I should also mention that within the first few days of blogging I also joined #TheList hosted by @mrandmrstplus3 & @youbabymemummy as well as #coolmumclub hosted by @Mummuddlingthru & @motherhoodreal all of which you should check out!)

4. Offline - Wrapping!! We are less than a week away from Christmas and I can't believe I am saying this but I am done. Wrapped. Finito. This paper and cellotape train has moved on out - thank f**k for that I thought it would never leave (despite my absolute love for wrapping I went a bit OTT on presents this year and can safely say I have had enough of wrapping!)
5. Online - Followers!! At my last count when writing this I had 178! Now this might not seem like a lot to some (and when you look at the thousands some people have it's piddly) but less than two weeks ago I had a big fat 0! Therefore, getting nearly 200 in just over a week is amazing to me - thanks for the shares everyone!
6.Offline - 5 days to go! Christmas seems to have taken forever to come, but we are now in the final countdown and I am so excited. I had a really crappy one last year as I made a mistake when choosing where to spend it - but no more! I will never stray from tradition again. Same = good. Change = bad!

7. Online - Getting my calendar sorted. Although everyone else can't see it - I can! It was driving me nuts that I had all these drafts saved and none of them scheduled, I didn't know when they were going out etc. Now, they are all blocked in, colour coded for different requirements and ORGANISED!!
8. Offline - Coffee and Cake. I am still breastfeeding and obviously try and avoid all caffeine as believe me Alyssa does not need that (she's active enough as it is!!) However, my lovely mummy took me out for a coffee and cake this week when we had to do some food shopping for Christmas. As it was the morning, I indulged and had an actual REAL latte. With caffeine!! I know you can't taste the difference but just knowing made me feel all warm and fuzzy!

9. Online - Sharing is caring. I posted the story of Alyssa's birth this week which at the time was quite traumatic and I feel like I am still recovering from parts of it now. However, posting my story gave me a very therapeutic sense of release and the fact I have had a couple of comments from people in similar situations made me feel like I am not alone. You can read our story here.
10. Offline - Sleep! Alyssa seemed to be going through a bit of a "sleep regression" ,that's what Google called it just FYI though I simpley named it the "hell which is no sleep!" However, after upping her level of routine (not a stickler but same thing at roughly same time) seems to have helped so a major highlight for me this week was getting a bit more sleep (not a lot, not a huge amount but a little bit more!)

That's my highlights for this week. How about you? What have been your top moments for this week before Christmas?