a typewriter glasses and notepad on wood with the series title in the middle
I’m A Blogging Success Because… Week #17
14th January 2017
camera on wooden table
#ABloggingGooodTime Week 32
18th January 2017

#LionessMama Week 12 Round-Up!

So here we are, back again for another #lionessmama instagram community round-up and we hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!. It seems hard to believe that we are entering our 11th week of this wonderful community as it feels like we’ve always had it but at the same time I’m like – we’re on week 10 already! We had some new faces join us this week and our little community is growing ever bigger and stronger. For those newbies let me tell you that we are all #lionessmama ‘s whether we have a full face of make-up or that just gotten out of bed look – it doesn’t matter! This community is for any image; big or small, perfect or flawed. This week has been a massive week in our little community, we have gone over 1000 link-ups and actually have received almost 300 contributions this week alone and we couldn’t be more chuffed! We love being a part of your world so thank you for letting us in…

Here is my first one from Mum Muddling Through – I mean how could I not choose the Tutu!!

Jade’s first pick comes from Little Paper Swan of her little cutie all wrapped against the snow!

My second pick comes from the ever hilarious Whinge Whinge Wine – How adorable is her little caterpillar?

Jade’s final pick comes from Mama Cat and Baby Bee – looks like the adventure is that way!

Jade has been very cheeky this week and decided that she wants to have a third choice giving special mention to The Mummy Miller as she just could not resist this cute little face!

Lastly, comes my pick from the wonderful Jade – The Parenting Jungle’s link ups. Look at her gorgeous Lion!!

Thank you to everyone who joined in this week, as I said we have loved peeking into your world. Don’t forget to add the #lionessmama to all your photos and we look forward to seeing you all next week!

If you liked this post, don’t forget to check out the #LionessMama Week 5 Round-Up!


  1. Catherine says:

    Aww thank you for including me. Love this little hashtag.

  2. MMT says:

    Thanks so much Fornpicking us!