Roasted Tomato, Garlic & Pepper Soup
You may have noticed, and I have probably told you that I really really really love a good soup. What I love even more than a good soup,...

Vegetarian Beef Bourguignon
No, I haven't gone mad this is in fact a recipe for vegetarian beef bourguignon (I had to learn how to spell that just FYI) and not only...

Olives Et Al - Poundbury, Dorset
I have eaten at various Olives Et Als pre baby and always loved it, but this was to be my first time back there with Alyssa in tow -...

Prezzo: Good Food, Bad Service
For the evening part of my mum's birthday celebrations (awesome day btw!!) we decided to go as a family to Prezzo in Blandford, Dorset as...

Recipe: Mushroom Pate
There are a lot of things I like, and several things I love. In case you hadn't noticed... I LOVE mushrooms. Actually, I think I might...

Recipe: Nut Roast & Mushroom Gravy
As promised in my "Have a very veggie christmas" post, here is the amazing recipe (best ever ever!!") recipe that we use every christmas...

Have a Very Veggie Christmas
"So, you're a vegetarian? What on earth do you eat at Christmas?!?" If I had a pound for every time someone had asked me this, I'd...

Healthy Meals for a Breastfeeding Mummy
Do this; Don't do that. Eat this; Don't eat that. Sound familiar? Talk to any midwife, doctor, family or friend and they will all have an...