Highlights of the Week: #18
I sat down at the computer to write this week's highlights and was pretty stumped for a good few minutes. However, I am going to put this...

Highlights of the Week: #10
I have to admit… in a week where I put on a pound instead of losing a pound to hit my first stone, I was not sure I would find too many...

Highlights of the Week: #9
I can't believe that I am already on my ninth post of highlights - where is the time going?! It's half way through February, nearly my...

Highlights of the Week: #8
I'm going to apologise right now if any of the following does not make sense... my darling daughter has chucked her cold right back at me...

Highlights of the Week: #7
Before sitting down to write this week's highlights, I was having a bit of a grump and feeling sorry for myself. I was sat there thinking...

Highlights of the Week: #6
It's been a strange old week... we were pootling along nicely and then BOOM little bubba gets a full on horrendous cold! Being only 6...

Highlights of the Week: #5
Is it me, or has this week been a particularly long one? It seems to have gone flying by but also taken it's time. Know what I mean? It...

Highlights of the Week: #4
So despite having the most horrendous flu/cold/germ infested thing raging through my body this week, I have powered through (begrudgingly...

Highlights of the Week: #2 & #3
I took a cheeky few days off from the blogging world over Christmas and New Year, to enjoy the time with my family and to help both...

Highlights of the Week: #1
(Get it... Highlights... Highlighters!! Just me? Okay moving swiftly on....) As I am a bit of a newbie noob when it comes to blogging...