a typewriter glasses and notepad on wood with the series title in the middle
I’m A Blogging Success Because… Week #12
25th November 2016
No BooHoos Here…
27th November 2016

Highlights of the Week – #28

Here we are again and as I said last time in Highlights Week #27 this is going to become a photographic highlights for me – simply to try and ease the burden I sometimes feel to get posts out. Not only that, but I do enjoy this series and it is one of the few posts I do solely for me and so I did not want to give it up entirely. So here, with just a few words, is what has been happening this week…

alyssa and I

It’s that time of year again so it’s time to pull out our favourite wooly hats!

alyssa hands out on a toddle bike

Speaking of wooly hats… this one loved being outside on her toddle bike on a sunny, crisp day!

close up of lily's face smiling

We got to spend a lot of time this week with my gorgeous niece Lily… aka Lily Bean – and I even managed to capture a smile!

me with a new fringe and red lipstick on

I managed to bag myself a brand new hair do this week and I abso-bloody loves it!

Alyssa in a peach tutu and peach flower head band smiling

Finally it has to be this one – it was Nonna in a Tutu’s birthday this week (she was turning 21 again…!) and so Alyssa and I took her out shopping and for lunch in Costa before coming home to a gorgeous party food tea and of course Alyssa had to put on her new peach tutu and headband for the occasion – such a lovely day!

What’s been happening with you lot?

If you like my Highlights series, why not check out the early ones #2 , #4 and #6!

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