When it comes to a girls prom what some people don’t get is, it’s ALL about the dress! From the minute the posters go up a girl starts planning, dreaming, discussing, choosing, shopping for a dress. With so many out there how are you to choose? I remember being so jealous of my sister having a prom because the school I went to didn’t do them. However I reined in my jealousy to join in with the whole dress choosing process. What a process it was with endless visits to shops around the county, in and out of changing rooms,and sore feet at the end of the day…

Nowadays there is an easier solution so you can enjoy much of the Prom dream from the comfort of your own home.There are literally thousands of dresses out there. While going shopping on the high street is good fun online shopping has really taken off. So with literally too many to count options how do you make sure your dress is going to be perfect and make you look like Cinderella at the ball. After all we have all seen the disaster dresses posted in social media from some poor girls who have chosen a foreign website with dreamy pictures only to discover the dress when it arrives looks nothing like the online photo.
Luckily there is a website that will help you every step of the way when it comes to choose your prom dress. It has oodles of advice to help you choose the style that is right for you, giving you ideas to take on board when it comes to choosing your dress. You can then browse the shopping pages deciding on your perfect dress and clicking on the direct link to the relevant site to purchase your dream. Not only is there advice on your dress but shoes, accessories and even makeup tutorials. If I’d had a prom to go to then I would definitely have looked for a site like Prom dress finder. Girls these days have it all huh . Lucky them!
Of course once you’ve got the dress it’s all downhill from there whether you are going with a date or with a group of friends, you’re bound to have a good time. I almost wish even more now that I had manage to have one seeing as I haven’t gotten married and I suppose that is one of the few other occasions where you get to wear a special dress for a special occasion. Add in the flowers, beautiful transport (though nowadays it seems the cool thing to do with proms is to arrive in the weirdest way possible such as via fire engine or I once saw a group arrive via helicopter!!) and you’re ready to go.

Be warned though girls as they often now have funfair rides at proms and honestly I don’t know how we’re expected to go on them in these outfits?! Nevertheless you are set for an awesome night so go out there and make some memories!
*This is a collaborative post.