Sail Away with Lily of Driftwood Bay!
15th December 2016
spatulas and chopping boards with linky name
Welcome to #FOODIEFRIDAY Week 19
15th December 2016

We’re “Toddling” Along…


Now that Alyssa has gotten so confident with her walking and at times can even run (when she doesn’t put her head too far out in front and trip over!!) we took the base out of her car and straight away she was off kicking herself along. However, she quickly became tired which is not surprised because although it doesn’t seem too heavy it must be for a little one like her so it was back to the drawing board for another mode of transport….

alyssa doing jazz hands on a balance bike

Now, Alyssa has a ride along train where she can sit on the carriage and push herself along so when Toddle Bike asked if we’d like to try out the new Toddle Bike 2 we jumped at the chance! She was so excited when I pulled it out of the box that we got a “Woahhhh” (which is currently her new favourite expression!!) She hopped straight on it and waddled around in her own special way in her pyjamas and was hooked. Take a look at our little video below to she how  she’s been getting on…


As you can she loves her new Toddle Bike so much – even though during filming she was still doing it her own way. A few things I love about this balance bike:

  • To start with Alyssa chose to randomly sit on the frame rather than the seat and it was more than strong enough to support her.
  • She was able to use it in her own way to begin with but the way it is built encouraged her to use it in a “balance-way” and shortly after filming our video she began sitting and scooting along quite merrily.
  • She has had a few topples when running with it underneath her but because it is so lightweight we had no injuries or anything – brilliant!

Alyssa in a wooly blue hat and denim jacket on a red toddler balance bike

So, if you are looking for a balance bike for your little one, I can honestly recommend the new Toddle Bike 2! We have used it both outside and inside, where if it is “accidentally” bumped into something then little to no damage is done to either furnishings or said little one! Thanks for ours – now I just have to try and get her off it!!


This is a collaborative post – all opinions are my own.

1 Comment

  1. Can’t wait for Lewis to open his present from Father Christmas!