Meet: Mother Hermit
14th May 2016
Meet: Rachel Bustin!
14th May 2016

Meet: Occupation Mother

I’m Lucy. I’m a stay at home mother to a toddler boy and I’m hoping to meet my second child in September 2016. I’m married to my parenting teammate and all-round rock…we’re in it together, I just don’t get to leave the house and converse with adults as much as he does.

I started blogging to vent some thoughts, make some feminist arguments and change the world. And then I started. And I’m not doing that at all. Instead I mostly like to make myself laugh, use a variety of probably unorthodox sentence structures and find mildly quirky angles on life.

And me in a digital nutshell? Well, family are my priority; chips by the sea come a close second; I’m part of a bookgroup which I adore but I don’t blog about books; I worked for arts festivals for over ten years; I volunteer as a breastfeeding peer supporter in a hospital; I take frequent blogging breaks and, um, my favourite colour is yellow!?

Along with my ramblings, I also host a guest series on my blog called Creative Mothers – a space for people to share their experiences on the impact of becoming parents on personal creativity.

You can find me at my blog, occupation:(m)other – less lifestyle, more life-thoughts, or on Facebook and Twitter (@puddlemother).

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